Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/581

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A P P E N. D I X.

From the Rolls.

same as Henry the iiijth Henry the vth Henry the vjp the Kinges Noble Progenitors late Kynges of this Royme or the said Edward late King had and held or any of the said Kings had or held any Acte Statute before this made in anywyse notwtstondyng and that every free Ten'nt Receivour Bailyf Reve fermour and other officer and Minister of the said Duchie be severally charged and chargeable to oure said said Sov'aine Lord of all such Receipts and Som'es of Money in which he or they weer charged or chargeable unto the said late Kinges Edward or Richard or either of theym by reason of the said Duchie not content ne payed to the said Kinges or either of them nor to their Officers having Auctorite to receive the same ne by the said Kings discharged by L'res of Pardon under the Seale of the said Duchie Billes Tailles Assignements or Graunts before the said xxj Day of August and He to have and use like Remedie for the Recovre of the same as the said late Kings or either of them had or myght have had and the Defendants like Annsweres as they had or myght have had for their discharge in of and for the same and that all Offices of the said Duchie which require actuell Exercise Graunted by our said Sov'ain Lord the King before this p'sent Act to any P'sonne or P'sonnes be as effectual and available to the same Grauntes and they to have and Enjoye their Offices accordyng to the Tenor of their Graunts and L'res Patents as if the Grauntes were made unto them by oure seide Souv'ain Lord aftir this p'sent Act and all other Graunts made or to be made to any P'sonne yevying Auctorite to hym to make or depute any Officer or Officers of the said Duchie be utterly voide and of noon effect Savyng to all the Kings Liege People other than the said Cardinall and other wt hym above named and their Heires clayming by the said Act and the Heires of the said late Kinges Edward and Richard such Title Right Action and Int'esse as they had or should have had if this p'sent Act had not been made and that it be ordeyned Enacted and Establifhed by the said Advice assent and Auctorite that the King our Sov'aine Lord have hold enjoye and possede to hym and his Heires forev'more from the said xxj Day of August the Duchie of Cornewaile and all Honnours Castells Lordshipps Mannours Landes Tenements Rents Rev'sions Services Possessions Advousons and other Hereditaments wt all the Membres and Appurten'n'c's belongyng and apperteyning to the said Duchie or were perteynyng annexed reputed or taken parcell of the same any tyme of the Reigne of Henry the vith Edward the iiijth late Kinges of Englonde In as ample and large manner wt all Lib'tees and francheses and other things to the same belongyng in like manner fourme and Condic'on as the seid Kynges or either of theym had occupied used and enjoyed in the same any tyme duryng their seid Reignes And that by the same Auctorite it be Ordeyned and Enacted that our said Souv'ain Lord have holde possede and Enjoye to hym and his Heires forevermore Th'erldome Honno' and Lordshipp' of Richemond otherwise called Richemont and all Castells Townes Lordshipps Man'ors Landes Ten'ts Rents Rev'sions S'vices Advousons Possessions and other Hereditaments which John late Duke of Bedford or Edmond Erie of Richmond Fadre to oure faid Souv'ain Lord or either of them had wt all Membres Francheses Lib'tees and other Thinges Appurten'n'c's of the said Erldom Honnour or Lordshipp' or in anywife p'teynyng or belongyng or were p'teynyng or belongyng to the same In as ample wife and like manner fourme and Condic'on as the said late Duc or Erle or either of them had and also have take holde possede and Enjoye to hym and his Heyres for ev'more the Baronye Lordshipp' and Mannour of Kendall and Mannour and Lordshipp of Weresdale and all Landes Ten'ts Rents Services Reversions Possessions Advowsons and other Hereditaments wt the Membres of the same in the Countees of Lancastr' Westm'land and York which the said John late Duc of Bedford or Edmond Erle of Richmond fadr' to our said Souv'ain Lord or either of them had wt all lib'tees francheses and other thinges p'teynyng or belongyng to the same In as ample wise and like manner fourme and Condic'on as the said late Due or Erie or either of them had Savying to Margaret Countesse of Richemond Moder to our said Souv'ain Lord such Right Title and Int'esse in and of the Premisses as she hath or ought to have in the same or eny parte therof Savying also to al other the Kinges Leige People other than such as have or had any thyng or Int'esse in and of the Premisses or any part of them by any of the said Kinges Henry the vjth or Edward the iiijth such Right Title Clayme and Int'esse as they have or ought to have if the said Actes had not be made And that it be Ordeyned by the said Auctorite that all Graunts of Offices of eny of the seid Possessions made and graunted by our said Souv'airie Lord by Letters Patentz to any P'sonne or P'sonnes before this present Act be as good effectuall and available unto the Grauntes accordyng to the Tenor of the same Graunts and Letters Patentz as if the said Grants and L'res Patentz had be made unto them aftir this present Act Provided alwey that this p'nt Act ne any Act made or to be made in this p'sent Parliament be not in enywyse hurtfull and p'judiciall to the Abbot of the Monast'ie of our Lady Saint Mary wtout the Walles of the Cite of Yorke ne to the Convent of the same ne to their Successors touchyng any Landes Ten'ts or Hereditaments nowe being in the Possession of the same Abbot the which were at any tyme parcell of the foresaid Duchie of Lancastr' And also it be Ordeigned and Established by the said Auctorite that whansoev'r our said Sovereign Lord by the Grace of God have first a Soonne of his Body laufully begotyn that the same Sonne and Prince have and Enjoy the said Duchie of Cornwaile with all the Honnours Castellis Maners Londys Tenements and other Possessions belonging to the same in as ample and large fourme and man'er as any Prince first begotyn Soonne of any Kyng hath hadde or Enjoyed afore this, This Acte or eny thyng therein conteyned notwithstandyng Tenor vero cedule sequitur sub hac serive verbor' Provided alwey that any Acre of Resumpcion or eny other Acte made or to be made in this present Par- liament be not in any wise hurtfull ne prejudiciall to oure wel belovid Cosyn Cecile Duchesse of York ne to the hurt ne voidying to or of eny L'res Patentes made to the same Duchesse ne extende ne Touche to the hurt or prejudice of her into or of eny Caftelles Lordshippes Maners Londes Tenements and Possessions or eny P'cell of theyme the which the same Duchesse hadde and possessed the last Day of the
