Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/593

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King's Highness so shall affirm, accept, and ratifie, shall in all points stand, remain, abide, and be put in due and effectual execution, according to the purport, tenour, effect, and true meaning of the same; and to stand and be from henceforth for ever after, as firm, stedfast, and available in the Law, as the same had been fully and perfectly established, enacted, and confirmed, to be in every part thereof, immediately, wholly, and entirely executed, in like manner, form, and effect, as other Acts and Laws; The which being fully and determinately made, ordained, and enacted in this present Parliament: And if that upon the aforesaid reasonable, amicable, and charitable ways and means, by the King's Highness to be experimented, moved, or compunded, or otherwise approved, it shall and may appear, or be seen unto his Grace, that this Realm shall be continually burdened and charged with this, and such other intolerable Exactions and Demands, as heretofore it hath been. And that thereupon, for continuance of the same, our said Holy Father the Pope, or any of his Successors, or the Court of Rome, will, or do, or cause to be done at any time hereafter, so as is above rehearsed, unjustly, uncharitably, and unreasonably vex, inquiet, molest, trouble, or grieve our said Sovereign Lord, his Heirs or Successors, Kings of England, or any of his or their Spiritual or Lay-Subjects, or this his Realm, by Excommunication, Excomengement, Interdiction; or by any other Process, Censures, Compulsories, Ways or Means; Be it enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the King's Highness, his Heirs and Successors, Kings of England, and all his Spiritual and Lay-Subjects of the same, without any scruples of Conscience, shall and may lawfully, to the honour of Almighty God, the encrease and continuance of vertue and good example within this Realm, the said Censures, Excommunications, Interdictions, Compulsories, or any of them notwithstanding, minister, or cause to be ministered, throughout this said Realm, and all other the Dominions or Territories belonging or appertaining thereunto: All and all manner of Sacraments, Sacramentals, Ceremonies, or other divine Services of the Holy Church, or any other thing or things necessary for the health of the Soul of Mankind, as they heretofore at any time or times have been vertuously used or accustomed to do within the same; and that no manner such Censures, Excommunications, Interdictions, or any other process or compulsories shall be by any of the Prelates, or other Spiritual Fathers of this Region, nor by any of their Ministers or Substirutes, be at any time or times hereafter published, executed, nor divulged, nor suffered to be published, executed, or divulged in any manner of ways.

Anno Vicesimo octavo' Henrici Octavi

At a Parliament begun and holden, Anno Vicesimo octavo Henrici Octavi, at Westminster, the eight of June, and continued to the dissolution thereof, the 18 day of Julie then next following.

An Act for the establishment of the imperial Crowne of this Realme.

"IN their most humble wise shewing to your most royall Maiestie, the Lords spirituall and temporall, and all other your most loving & obedient subjects, the commons in this your most high court of Parliament assembled, that where in your last Parliament begun and holden at London the iij. day of November, in the xxj. yere of your most gratious reigne, and from thence adiourned to Westminster and there holden and continued by divers and sundry prorogations unto the fifteenth day of January in the five and twentieth yere of your most noble reigne, & then there holden: it was made and ordeined an Act concerning amongst many thinigs, aswell for ratification and confirmation of your mariages, then had and solemnized betweene your highnesse and the late Lady Anne Bullen Marques of Pembroke, as for the limitation of the succession of your imperiall Crowns of this Realme, to the issue of your body begotten, and to bee begotten of the bodie of the said Ladie Anne, with divers remainders over for the default of such issue, as in the saide Act plainely and particularly more at large is expressed and mentioned. And where also by the said Act it was ordeined and establiihed, that all and siinguler your subjects should take a corporall oath, for the fulfilling, maintaining and defending the whole effects and contents of the said Act. And it was further ordeined by the said Act amongst other things, that if any person or persons, subject or resiant within this Realm, or within any your graces dominions, after the first day of May, then next insuing, by writing, print, deed or Act procured or done, or caused to be procured or done any thing or things to the prejudice, slander, disturbance, or derogation of the said matrimonie, solemnized between your highnesse and the said Lady Anne, or to the perili, slander, or disherison of any the issues or heires of your highnesse, being limitted by the same Act to inherit and to be inheritable to the Crowne of this Realme, whereby any such, issues or heires of your highnesse might bee destroyed, disturbed, or interrupted in bodie or title of inheritance to the Crowne of this Reaime, as to them is limited in the same Act, that then every such person and persons, and their aidours, counsellors, mainteinors, and abbettors, and every of them for every such offence, should be adjudged high traitors, and that every such offence should be adjudged high treason. And the offendors, and their ajdours, counsellours, mainteinours, and abbettors, and every of them, being lawfully convict of such offence by presentment, verdict, confession, or
