Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/609

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Annual pension of five hundred markes to be paid to him or to his assignes, at the feasts aforesaid by even portions, and likewise shall have to his owne proper use such reasonable portion of the goods of the said religion, as shall please the kings Majestie of his most excellent goodnesse to limit and appoint for the same. ConfrersAnd that Clement West, being one of the confreres of the said religion, shall have and injoy during his naturall life, one annuitie or pension of two hundred pound. And that Thomas Pemberton another of the confreres of the saide religion, shall have and injoy yeerely during his naturall life, one yeerely pension of fourescore pounds. And that Giles Russell another of the said confreres, shall haue and injoy yeerely during his naturall life, one yeerely pension of one hundred pounds. And that George Ailmer another of the said confreres, shall have and injoy yeerely during his naturall life one yeerely pension of one hundred pound. And that John Sutton another of the confreres of the said religion shall have and injoy yeerely during his life naturall, one yeerely pension of two hundred pound. And that Edward Relingkam another of the confreres of the said religion shall have and injoy yeerely during his naturall life, one yeerely pension of one hundred pound. And that Edward Browne another of the confreres of the said religion shall have and injoy yeerely during his naturall life one yeerely pension of fiftie pounds. And that Edmund Huse, another of the confreres of the said religion, shall have and injoy yeerely during his life naturall, one yeerely pension of one hundred markes. And that Ambrose Caue an other of the confreres of the saide religion shall have and injoy yeerely during his naturall life one yeerely pension of one hundred markes. And that Thomas Copledike another of the confreres of the sayde religion shall have and injoy during his naturall life one yeerely pension of fiftie pounds. And that Cuthbert Leighton another of the confreres of the sayde religion, shall have and injoy yeerely during his naturall life one yeerely pension of threescore pounds. And that Packard Brooke another of the confreres of the saide religion, shall have and injoy yeerely during his naturall life, one yeerely pension of one hundred markes. And that Henry Poole another of the confreres of the saide religion, shall have and injoy yeerely during his natural life one yeerely pension of two hundred markes. And that William Tyrrell another of the confreres of the sayde religion shall have and injoy yeerely during his naturall life, one yeerely pension of thirty pounds. And that John Rauson another of the confreres of the sayde religion, shall have and and injoy yeerely during his naturall life one yeerely pension of two hundred markes. And that Anthonie Rogers, Oswald Mossingberd, James Huse, Thomas Thornell, Nicholas Hupton, Philip Babington, Henry Jerad, Dunstan Nudegate, Nicholas Lambert, and David Gonson, being confreres professed in the said religion and having at this present time no maner of certaintie towards their living, shall have and injoy every of them yeerely, one yeerely pension of ten pounds. The said severall yeerely pensions to be paid at the feasts of Saint Michaell the Archangell and the Annunciation of our Lady by even portions as is aforesaid. And over this, every of the said confreres above named and mentioned, shall have to their own proper uses such reasonable portions of the goods and chattels being in their hands and possessions, appertaining to the said religion, as it shall please the Kings majestie to limit and appoint to every of them of the same.

VII. And bee it also enacted by the Authoritie aforesaid, that if any the Kings subjects being professed in the saide religion, bee negligently forgotten or omitted out of this present Acte for lacke of knowledge of their, names, that yet necerthelesse every of them so forgotten, and not now presently named or remembered, shall have and injoy such honest, convenient and reasonable yeerely penison and portion of goods as shall please the Kings Maiestie to limit and appoint in that behalfe.

VIII. Provided alwayes, that none of the said Priors or confreres of the said religion, shall have and injoy any of the pensions afore specified, except sfuch of them as be the Kings true and faithful subjects, anything in this Act to the contray thereof notwithstanding.

IX. Provided also, and be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, that John Maplesden otherwise called John Mableston Clerke, Subprior of the said religion of the said Hospitall of S. John of Jereusalem in England, William Ermsted Clerke Maister of the Temple of London, Walter Limseie and John Winter Chaplains there, and every of them shall have, perceive, and injoy during their naturall lives all such Mansion houses, stipends and Wages Wages, and all other profits of money in as large or ample maner as they or any of them now lawfully have the same, without let or interruption of the King our Soverayne Lord, his heires or successors, or any other his officers or Ministers, the said Maister and two Chaplens of the Temple doing their duties and sevices there, as they have accustomed to doe.

X. And bee it further enacted by authoritie aforedeined aide, that the saide William Wedeined ton and John Rauson, and every of the saide brethren or confreres afore named, and the said Subprior and the saide maister of the Temple and two Chaplens, and every of them, being the Kings true and faithfull subjects upon their reasonable suites and petitions,L. Patents shall have suffcient Letters patents of the said severall yearly annuities, pensions, mansions, stipends and wages, and other profits of money to them limited by authoritie of this Act, under the Kings great Seale without any fine or fee to be paid to the Kings use for the same.

XI. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid,{{R sidenote|Discharge of obedience.} that the said brethren or confreres of the said Religion, and all other obediencers being members of the said Religion shall bee acquired and discharged of their obedience, that they have used to beare and give unto the said William Weston, or to the sayd John Rauson, or to any other of the sayd Religion by the ordinances, usages, rules, or Statutes of the said Religion. And that as wel the same William Weston and John Rauson, as the sayd brethren or confreres of the sayd Religion called Knights, as is aforesaid, and ecery of them being the Kings subjects borne in this Realme of England or in the land of Ireland or elsewhere, within any the Kings dominions Sutesshall bee enabled to sue and bee sued by their owne said proper names and surnames, and have such capacitie, and other freedeme, liberties, and piviledges to all intents and purposes in as large and ample manner, forme, fashion, and condition, as in the first Session of this present Parliament was or
