Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/629

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of such as are chargeable for and to the first paiment of the said Subsidie, to be taxed and set, by the Commissioners to the same limits, or two of them at the leaste, with the names of the high Collectors, and in the same forme shalbe certified in the Queenes Exchequer, before the last day of May next comming. And the particular sums of every Shire, Riding, Borough, Towne and other places aforesaid, with the particular names of such as are chargeable for & to the second paiment of the said Subsidie, to be taxed and set by the Commissioners to the same to be limited, or two of them at the least, with the names of the high Collectors, and in the same forme shalbe certified into the Queenes Exchequer, before the twentieth day of February, which shall bee in the yeere of our Lord God 1559. And the said sums in maner and forme aforesaid, to be taxed for the paiment of the said Subsidie, shall be paid into the Queens receit of her Exchequer aforesaid, to the use of our Sovereigne Lady, before the foure and twentieth day of June next comming, and the said summes in manner and forme aforesaid, to be taxed for the second paiment of the said Subsidie, shall be paid into the receipt aforesaid to the use aforesaid, before the first day of March, which shall be in the yeere of our Lord God 1559. And the summe abovesaid, of and for the said Subsidie, shall be taxed, set, asked, and demanded, taken, gathered, levied and paid to the use of our Sovereigne Lady, her heires and successors, in forme abovesaid, aswell within the liberties, Franchises, Sanctuaries, ancient Demeane, and other whatsoever place exempt or not exempt, as without. Except such Shires, places and persons, as shall be foreprised in and by this present Act, any grant, Charter, prescription, use, or libertie, by reason of any Letters patents, or other priviledge, prescription, allowance of the same, or whatsoever other matter of discharge heretofore to the contrary made, granted, used or obteined, notwithstanding.

XI. And it is further enacted by authority of this present Parliament, that every such person, aswell such as be borne under the Queenes obeisance, as every other stranger borne, Denizen or not Denizen, inhabiting within this Realme, or within Wales, or other the Queenes dominions, which at the time of the said asses sings or taxations, or either of them to be had or made, shall be out of this Realme, and out of Wales, and habe goods or chattels, landes or tenements, fees or annuities or other profits, within this Realme, or in Wales, shall be charged and chargeable for the same, by the certificate of the inhabitants, of the parts where such goods, chattels, lands, tenements, or other the premssfes, then shall be, or in such other place where such person or his factor, deputie or atturney, shall have his most resorte unto within this Realme, or in Wales, in like manner as if the said person were, or had beene at the time of thesaid assessing within this Realme. And that every person abiding or dwelling within this Realme or without this Realme, shall bee charged or chargeable to the same Subsidie graunted by this Acte, according and after the rate of such yeerely substance, or value of lands and tenements, goods, chattels, and other the premisses, as every person so to be charged shall be set at, in the time of the said assessing or taxation upon him to be made, and in none otherwise.

XII. And further be it enacted by the authoritie aforesaid, that for the assessing and ordering of the said Subsidie to bee duely had, the Lord Chancellor of England, or the Keeper of the great Seale, the Lord Treasurer of England, the Lord Steward of the Queenes Majesties household, the L. President of the Queenes honourable Councel, & the Lord privy Seale for the time being, or two of them at the least, wherof the L. Chancellor of England, or Keeper of the great Seale for the time being to be one, shal & may name & appoint, of & for every shire & riding, & other places aswel within this realme as in Wales, &c other the Queens dominions, & also of & for every citie &z towne, being a County in it selfe, and of & for the selfe of Wight, such certaine number of persons of every of the same Shires, Ridings, Lathes, Wapentakes, Rapes, Cities, Townes & Ilse of Wight, and every other place, and other the inhabitants of the same, to be Commissioners of and within the same, whereof they be inhabitants. And also of, & for the honourable houshold of the Queenes Majestie in that shire, or other places the said houshold shall happen then to be. And the L. Chancellor or Keeper of the great Seale, and other with him before named, in like maner may name and appoint of every such Borough and Towne corporate, aswell in England as in Wales, and other the Queenes dominions, as they shall thinke requisite, sixe, five, foure, three or two of the head officers, and other sad honest inhabitants of the said Cities, Boroughs and Townes corporat, according to the number & multitude of the people being in the same, the which persons, if any such be thereunto named, of the said inhabitants of the said Boroughs and Townes corporat, not being Counties in themselves shall be joined and put in as Commissioners, with the persons named for such Shires and Ridings, as the saide Boroughs and towns corporat, not being Counties in themselves, be set and have their being, which persons so named for and of the said Boroughs and townes corporat, not being Counties, by reason of their dwelling in the same, shal not take upon them, ne none of them, to put any part of their Commission in execution for the premisses, out of the said Boroughs and Townes corporate, wherein they, being so named onely for the same, bee dwelling. And also not to execute the said Commission within the Borough or towne corporat where they be so dwelling, but at such daies & times as the said other Commissioners, for the same Shire and Riding shall thereunto limit and appoint within the same Borough or Towne corporat, not being County corporat, wherof they so be, and not out of such Borough or Towne, and in that maner to be aiding and assisting with the said other Commissioners, in and for the good executing of the effect of the said Commis sion, upon pain of every of the said Commissioners, so named for every such Citie, Borough, towne corporat, not being a County, to make such fine as the said other Commissioners in the Commission of and for the said shire or riding so named, or three of them at the leaft, shal by their discretions set & certifie into the Queens Exchequer, there to be levied to the use of the Queens Majestie, in like maner as such or like summes had been set and rated upon every such person for the said Subsidy. The which Commissioners so named of and for the said Cities, Boroughs, and townes, not being Counties, and only put in the said Commission, by reason of their dwelling in the same, shal not have any
