Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/644

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to the place limited: The substance of which testimoniall shall be registred by the Minister of that Parish in a booke to be provided for that purpose, upon payne to forteit five shillings for everie default thereof: And the partie so whipped and not knowne where hee or she was borne, or last dwelt by the space of a yeare, shall by the officers of the said village where he or she so lad past through without punishment, be conveied to the house of correction of the limit wherein the said village standeth, or to the common gaole of that county or place, there to remaine and be employed in worke, untill he or she shall be placed in some service, and so to continue by the space of one yeare, or not being able of body untill he or she shall bee placed, to remaine in some Almeshouse in the same countie or place.

IV. Provided alwayes, and be it enacted, if any of the said Rogues shall appeare to be daungerous to the inferiour sort of people where they shall be taken, or otherwise be such as will not be reformed of their roguish kind of life, by the former provisions of this Act, That in every such case it shall and may be lawfull to the said Justices of the limit where any such Rogue, shall be taken, or any two of them, whereof one to be of the Quorum, to commit that Rogue to the house of Correction, or otherwise to the gaole of the Countie, there to remaine untill their next quarter Sessions to be holden in that Countie, and then such of the same Rogues so committed, as by the Justices of the Peace then and there present, or the most part of them, shall be thought fit not to be delivered, shall and may lawfully by the same justices or the most part of them, be banished out of this Realme, and all other the dominions thereof, and at the charges of that countrie, shall be conveied unto such parts beyond the Seas, as shall be at any time hereafter for that purpose assigned by the privy Counsel unto her Majesty, her heires or successors, or by any 6. or more of them, wherof the L. Chancellor or Lord Keeper of the great Seale, or the Lord Treasurer for the time being to be one, Or otherwise be judged perpetually to the Gallies of this Realme, as by the same Justices or the most part of them it shall be thought fit and expedient. And if any such Rogue so banished as aforesaid, shall returne againe into any part of this Realme or domi nion of Wales, without lawfull licence or warrant so to doe, that in every such case such offence shall be Fellony, and the party offending therein suffer death as in case of Fellony: The saide Fellony to be heard and determined in that County of this Realme or Wales, in which the offender shall be apprehended.

V. And be it also enacted by the authority aforesaid, that if any towne, parish, or village, the Constable, Headborough, or Tythingman be negligent and doe not his or their best endevours for the apprehension of such vacabono, Rogue, or sturdy beggar which there shall be found contrary to the forme of this present Act, and to cause every of them to bee punished and conveighed according to the true meaning of this present act, that then the said Constable, Headborough, or Tythingman, in whom such default shall be, shall loose and forfeit for every such default ten shillings. And also if any person or persons doe in any wise disturbe or let the execution of this Law or any part thereof, concerning the punishment or conveying of Rogues, vagabonds, sturdy beggers, or the reliefe or setling of poore impotent persons in any maner of wise, or make rescussie against any officer or person authorized by this present act for the due execution of any the premisses, the same person so offending, shall forfeit and lose for every such offence the summe of five pound, and shall be bound to the good behaviour.

VI. And be it also further enacted by the authority aforesfaid, that no person or persons having charge in any voyage, in passing from the Realmes of Ireland or Scotland, or from the Isle of Man into this realme of England, doe wittingly or willingly bring or convey, or suffer to be brought or conveighed in any uessell or boat from and out of the said realme of Ireland, Scotland, or Isle of Man, into the realme of England or Wales, or any part thereof, any vagabond, rogue, or begger, or any such as shall be forced or very like to live by begging within the realme of England or Wales, being borne in the same realmes or Island, on paine of every such person so offending, to forfeit and loose for every such vagabond, rogue, begger, or other person like to live by begging, twenty shillings, to the use of the poore of the said parish in which they were set on land. And if any such Manniske, Scotish, or Irish rogue, vagabond or begger, be already, or shall at any time hereafter be set on land, or shall come into any part of England or Wales, the same, after hee or shee shall be punished as aforesaid, shall be conveyed to the next Port or Parish in or neere which they were landed or fir ft came, in fuch fort as rogues are appointed to be by this present act, & from thence to be transported at the common charge of the countrey where they were set on land into thole parts from whence they came or were brought. And that every Constable, Headborough, & Tythingman neglecting the due performance therof shall forfeit for every such offence x.s.

VI. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that no diseased or impotent poore person shall at any time resort or repaire from their dwelling places to the city of Bathe, or towne of Buxton, or either of them to the Bathes there for the ease of their griefes, unlesse such person doe forbeare to beg, and be licensed to passe thither by two Justices of the Peace of the County where such person doth or shall then dwell or remaine, and provided for to travaile with such reliefe, for and towards his or her maintenance as shall be necessary for the same person, for the time of such his or her travell, and abode at the city of Bath and towne of Buxton, or either of them, and returne thence, and shall returne home againe as shall be limited by the said licence, upon paine to be reputed, punished & used as rogues, vagabonds and sturdy beggers declared by this present Acte. And that the inhabitants of the same City of Bathe and towne of Buxton shall not in any wise be charged by this Acte with the finding or reliefe of any such poore people.

VIII. Provided alwayes, that the Justices of Peace within any Countie of this Realme or Wales, shall not intromit or enter into any City, Borough, or Townes corporate, where be any Justice or Justices of Peace for any such Citie, Borough or Towne corporate for the execution of any branch, article or sentence of this Acte, for or concerning any offence, matter or cause growing or arising within the pre-
