Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/647

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Anno Reg. Jacobi, Regis Angl. Scotiæ, Franc. & Hybern. viz. Angl. Franc. Gf Hybern. septimo, & Scotiæ 43°.

At the fourth Sesslon of Parliament begunne and holden by Prorogation at Westminster the 9. day of February in the seventh yeere of the Reigne of our most Gracious Soveraigne Lord James, by the grace of God of England, France and Ireland King, Defender of the Faith, &c. and of Scotland the 43. And there continued untill the 23. day of July; (And then prorogued untill the 16. day of October next following, 1610.) To the High pleasure of Almighty God, and to the weale Publique of this Realme, were enacted as followeth.

An Act for the bringing of fresh Streames of water by engine from Hackney Marsh, to the Citie of London, for the benefit of the Kings Colledge at Chelsey.

"WHEREAS his Majestie of his most Royall and zealous care for the defence of the true Religion nowe established within this Realme of England, and for the refuting of Errours and Heresies repugnant unto the same, hath beeae graciously pleased by his Letters Patterns under the Great Seale of England, to found a Colledge at Chelsey neere London, and therein to place certaine learned Diuines, and to incorporate the same by the name of The Provost and Fellowes of the Colledge of King James in Chelsey' neere London, of the foundation of the same James King of England, and hath of his most gracious bountie and goodnesse, not onely endowed the same with certaine Landes, Priviledges, and Immunities, but hath also for their further maintenance and sustentation, given unto them a Capacitie and abilitie to receive and take from his Majestie or any of his loving Subjects any Landes, Tenementes, Hereditamentes, Gifts, benefits and profits whatsovuer, not exceeding in the whole, the yeerely value of three thousand pounds, as in and by the sayde Letters Pattents doeth more at large appeare: And whereas also it is manifest and ecident, that the bringing in of fresh streames of running Water into the Citie of London, is very convenient, necessary and profitable, as well for the private use of such as shall rent the same, as a helpe for cleansing of the said City, in the time of sicknesse, and preserving the same against all hidden adventures of fire:' It is therefore enacted by the Kinges most excellent Majestie and the Lordes Spirituall and Temporall, and the Commons in this present Parliament assembled, That it shall and may be lawfull to the sayde Provost and Fellowes, their Successours, Deputies and Assignes, at all and every such place and places in the open Fieldes or Marines lying betweene the Bridge called Locke Bridge, in or neere the Parish of Hacney, in the Countie of Middlesexe, and the Bridge called Bow Bridge, at Stratford Bow in the Parish. of Stepney, in the sayde Countie,' (As by the said Provost and Fellowes, their Successours, Deputies or Assignes, by and with the consent and allowance of the Occupyers and Owners of the soyle in the said place or places, and in default of such assent and allowance, by such Composition first to bee made with the saide Occupiers and Owners of the saide soyle, as by the Commissioners by vertue of this Acte to be in this behalfe appointed, shall be thought fit and convenient) to digge or cut from out of the maine River of Lee on that side or banke of the same River, which is next unto the Citie of London, a Ditch or Trench not exceeding in breadth tenne foote, or to scowre, cleanse, or inlarge unto the breadth aforesaide, any old Ditch or Trench there alreadie made; And the same Ditch or Trench, either old or new, so to bee made, or to be cleansed, to convey by and thorow the sayde Fieldes and Marines, in all places convenient, in such fort as the same may againe be returned, and made to open itselfe, into the maine River, within some such convenient distance from the mouth thereof, as to the saide Commissioners shall (for the intents and purposes hereafter expressed) bee thought fit: Upon which Ditch or Trench, or places neere adjoyning thereunto, it shall and may bee lawfull to the sayde Provost and Fellowes, their Successours, Deputies or Assignes, to erect, or cause to be erected certaine Engines, Water-workes or Water-wheels, as also Houses or Coverings requisite for the same, where by the assent of the sayde Commissioners, the same shall bee agreed upon, to be no let or hinderance to the ordinary passage of Barges, Boates, or other such Vessels upon the sayde Riuer of Lee, and by and through the saide Ditch or Trench, to carry and convey so much of the water of the saide maine River, as by the said Provost and Fellowes, their Successours, Deputies or Assignes shall be thought requisite and necessary to be used for the working or motion of the saide Engines or Waterwheeles, and shall also by the saide Commissioners be thought to be no prejudice or hinderance to the ordinary passage of Barges, Boates, or such other Vessels upon the same River. And that it shall and may be lawfull to and for the said Provost and Fellowes, their Successours, Deputies and Assignes (in all places apt and convenient, within a convenient disftance of the saide Engines or Water-workes) to digge for the taking and further opening of Springes of fresh Water there found, or to bee found on the West side of the saide River next unto the Citie of London, and the water of the said Springs to carry and convey by and thorow certaine little Gutters or Trenches, or Pots or Pipes under the ground, into on; pit, pond, or head of a convenient largenesse, to be made by the said Provost and Fellowes, their Successours, De-
