Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/656

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182 APPENDIX. Articles to be obferved. CAP. IX. An A<5t for the eftablifhing Articles and Orders for the regulating and better Government of his Majefties Navies, Ships of War, and Forces -by Sea. FO R the regulating and better government of his Majefties Navies, Ships of War, and Forces by Sea, wherein under the good providence and protection of God, the wealth, fafety and ftrength of this Kingdom is fo much concerned, Be it enacted by the Kings moft excellent Majefty, with the advice and content of the Lords and Commons in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the authority thereof, That all and every the Articles and Orders in this Act mentioned, ihall be duly and refpeclively put in execution, obferved and obeyed in manner hereafter mentioned. The puhlick ■worfhip of Cod. Swearing, Drunkennefs, &c. THAT all Commanders, Captains and Officers at Sea, ftiall caufe the publick Worfhip of Al- mighty God, according to the Liturgy of the Church of" England, eftablifhed by Law, to be fo- lemnly, orderly and reverently performed in their refpeclive Ships : And that Prayers and Preachings by the refpective Chaplains in Holy Orders, of the refpeclive Ships, be performed diligently ; and that the Lords-day be obferved according to Law. II. Every perfon and perfons in his Majefties pay, ufing unlawful and rafh Oaths, Curlings, Execrations, Drunkennefs, Uncleannefs, or other fcandalous Actions, in derogation of Gods honor, and corruption of good manners, fhall be punifhed by Fine, Imprifonment or otherwife, as the Court-Martial fhall think fit. III. Holding any If any Officer, Mariner, Soldier or other perfon in the Fleet, fhall give, hold or entertain Intelli- Foreign Intel- gence, to, or with any King, Prince or State, being Enemy to, or any perfons in Rebellion againft his hgence. Majefty, his Heirs and Succeffors, without direction or leave from the Kings Majefty, the Lord High- Admiral, Vice-Admiral, or Commander in Chief of any Squadron, every fuch perfon or perfons fo offending, fhall be punifhed with death. IV. Letters or Met- If any Letter or Meffage from any King, Foreign Prince, State or Potentate, being an Enemy to the fages i from any Kings Majefty, his Heirs and Succeffors, or on their behalf, be conveyed to any Inferior-Officer, Ma- &c'. e Enemy n to e ' r ' ner or Soldier, or other in the Fleet, and the faid Officer, Mariner, Soldier, or other, as aforefaid, theKing. do not within twelve hours (having opportunity fo to do) acquaint the Superior-Commander with it; or if a Superior-Officer, or Mariner, being acquainted therewith by an Inferior-Officer, Mariner, or other, or himfelf in his own perfon, receiving a Letter or Meffage from any fuch Enemy or Rebel, and fhall not in convenient time reveal the fame to the Admiral, Vice-Admiral, or the Commander of the Squadron, every fuch perfon fhall be punifhed with death, or fuch other punifhment as the Court-mar- tial fhall think fit. V. No perfon or perfons of the Fleet fhall relieve an Enemy or Rebel in time of War, with Money, Victuals, Powder, Shot, Arms, Ammunition, or any other Supplies whatfoever, directly or indirectly, upon pain of death, or fuch other punifhment as the Court-Martial fhall think fit to impofe, VI. All the Papers, Charter-parties, Bills of Lading, Pafs-ports, and other Writings whatfoever, that fhall be taken, feized or found aboard any Ship or Ships which fhall be furprized or feized as Prize, fhall be duly preserved, and not torn, nor made away, but the very Originals fent up intirely, and without fraud, to the Court of Admiralty, or fuch other Commiffioners as ihall be appointed for that purpofe, there to be viewed, made ufe of, and proceeded upon according to Law, upon pain of lofs of all the lhares of the Takers, and fuch further punifhment to be inflicted upon the Offenders therein, as the quality of their offence and mifdemeanor Ihall be found to deferve, and the Court-Martial fhall impofe. VII. Pri2e, Ships None in his Majefties Pay fhall take out of any Prize, or Ship, or Goods feized on for Prize, any or Goods feized Money, Plate, Goods, Lading or Tackle, before Judgment thereof firft paft in the Admiralty-Court, for Prize. b ut t ] le f u ]i anc j mtire accompt of the whole, without imbezlement, fhall be brought in, and Judgment paft intirely upon the whole, without fraud, upon pain of fuch punifhment as Ihall be impofed by a Court-Martial, or the Court of Admiralty ; excepting, That it fhall be lawful for all Captains, Sea- men, Soldiers and others, ferving, as aforefaid, to take and to have to themfelves as Pillage, without further or qther accompt to be given for the fame, all fuch Goods and Merchandizes (other than Arms, & Ammunition, Relieving of any Enemy. Papers, Char- ter-parties, &c, taken in any Ship feized as Prize.