Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/658

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184 APPENDIX. Spies. XVI. None (hall be- All Sea-Captains, Officers and Seamen, that fhall betray their truft, or turn to the Enemy, Pirate or no/yieldw'the "Rebels, and either run away with their Ship or any Ordnance, Ammunition or Provifion, to the weak- Enemy, ning of the Service, or yield the fame up to the Enemy, Pirate or Rebels, fhall be punifhed with death. XVII. Deferring the AH Sea-Captajns, Officers or Mariners, that fhall defert the Services or their Imployment in the Ships, ninTaway r rim " or ^ a ^ run awav j or intice any others fo to do, fhall be punifhed with death. XVIII. All perfons whatfoever that fhall come, or be found in the nature of Spies, to bring any feducing Let- ters or MefTages from any Enemy or Rebel, or fhall attempt or endeavour to corrupt any Captain, Of- ficer, Mariner, or other of the Navy or Fleet, to betray his or their truft, and yield up any Ship or Ammunition, or turn to the Enemy or Rebel, fhall be punifhed with death. XIX. No perfon in or belonging to the Fleet, fhall utter any words of fedition or mutiny, nor make or en- deavour to make any mutinous AfTemblies upon any pretence whatfoever, upon pain of death. XX. No perfon in or belonging to the Fleet, fhall conceal any traiterous or mutinous practices, defigns or words, or any words fpoken by any to the prejudice of his Majefty or Government, or any words, prac- tices or defigns tending to the hindrance of the Service, but fhall forthwith reveal them to his Superior, that a meet proceeding may be had thereupon, upon pain of fuch punifhment as a Court-martial fhall find to be juft. XXI. Quarrelling or None fhall prefume to quarrel with his Superior Officer, upon pain of fevere punifhment, nor to ftrike iL. officei U . pe " an y f ucn perfon upon pain of death, or otherwife, as a Court-martial fhall find the matter to deferve. Sedition, mu- tiny. Concealers of traiterous or mutinous prac- tices or words. {TnwhoKbm- nefs of Victuals XXII. If any of the Fleet find caufe of complaint of the unwholfomnefs of his Victuals, or upon other juft ground, he fhall quietly make the fame known to his fuperior or Captain, or Commander in Chief, as the occafion may deferve, that fuch prefent remedy may be had as the matter may require, and the faid Su- perior or Commander is to caufe the fame to be prefently remedied accordingly ; but no perfon upon any fuch or other pretence, fhall privately attempt to ftir up any difiurbance, upon pain of fuch fevere punifh- ment as a Court-Martial fhall find meet to inflict. XXIII. None fhall quarrel or fight in the Ship, nor ufe reproachful or provoking Speeches tending to make any quarrel or diffurbance, upon pain of Imprifonment, and fuch other punifhment as the offence fhall deferve, and the Court-Martial ihall impofe. XXIV. That there be no wafteful expence of any Powder, Shot, Ammunition, or other Stores in the Fleet, nor any imbezelment thereof, but that the Stores and Provifions be carefully preferved, upon fuch penal- ties by Fine, Imprifonment, or otherwife, upon the Offenders, Abetters, Buyers and Receivers, as fhall be by a Court-Martial found juft in that behalf. XXV. careofcon- That care be taken in the Conducting and Steering of the Ships, that through wilfulnefs, negli- «eering Shfps. S ence > or ° tner defaults, none of his Majefties Ships be ftranded or run upon any Rocks or Sands, or fplir, or hazarded, upon pain that fuch as fhall be found guilty therein be punifhed by Fine, Imprifon- ment, or otherwife, as the offence by a Court-Martial fhall be adjudged to deferve. XXVI. Burning a Ship. All perfqns that fhall willingly burn or fet fire on any Ship, or Magazine, or Store of Powder, o Ship, Boat, Ketch, Hoy or Veffel, or Tackle or Furniture thereto belonging, not appertaining to an Enemy or Rebel, fhali be punifhed with death. « XXVII. No Quarrelling or provoking (peeches. Wafteful ex- pence of Am- munition. I