Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/673

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APPENDIX. 199 eighty three, and other the Rents, Iffues and Profits thereof, after the expiration of the faid Term, and the Reverfion and Reverfions, Remainder and Remainders of the Premiffes and every of them : Saving unto the faid Thomas Tennifon all his Right, Title and Intereft in and to the Premiffes, or any of them, which he hath or may claim by virtue of one Indenture or Mortgage bearing date the eighteenth day of May, One thoufand fix hundred eighty and four, and to all and every other perfon or per- fons, other than the Kings Majefty, his Heirs and Succeffors, and other than the Truftees of the faid Henry late Earl of St. Albans., or any other perfon or perfons in Trufl for him, his Heirs, Exe- cutors, Adminiftrators and Afligns, all their Right, Title, Intereft, Claim or Demand to the Premiffes or any of them. IX. And it lhall and maybe lawful for the faid Rector and his Succeffors, Rectors of the faid Pa- TheReflormay rifh of St. James for the time being, to grant and demife fuch of the Premiffes, or any part thereof, (as grant Leafes for are now in Leafe) at the expiration or other fooner determination of fuch Leafe, for the Term of one fmprovedRene and forty years, upon a reafonable improved yearly Rent without taking any Fine for the fame. without Fines. X. And be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the inhabitants of the faid Parifh of St. J^ e inhabitants 'James ill all be from time to time fubject to the Laws and Statutes now in force, or hereafter to be Law for choice made, for the Choice of Church-wardens, Overfeers of the Poor, Scavengers, Surveyors of the High- of Church-war- ways, Conftables, and fuch other like Pari fti- Officers and other Parochial Duties within the laid Parifh, ^, en? and other in like manner as the Inhabitants of the faid Pariih of St. Martins are or might be fubject and liable un- andParodS S to (except where it lhall be otherwife hereby appointed) and that the Overfeers of the Poor, Conftables, Duties. Beadles and Scavengers of the faid Pariih of St. Martins, which lhall be in thofe Offices at the end of Officers of St. f (hall the faid end of this Seffion of Parliament till the Feaft of Chrijimas then next following and no offkelVn'tnl longer. ' Parifh of St. XI. And be it further enacted, That John Haynes Carpenter, and TVilliam Nott Bookbinder, (hall and / a ™c, ti 'A Eafter are hereby conftituted the firft Church-wardens of the faid Pariih of St. James, to have, hold and exe- n " xt . " maS cute the (aid Offices till the Feaft of Eajhr, which lhall be in the year of our Lord, One thoufand fix Mr. Haynes and hundred eighty fix, and they and their Succeffors Church-wardens of the faid Pariih of St. James, ^ £ T ° U the lhall have and receive fuch and the like Church-Duties and Perquifities as the Church-wardens of the wardensiofS^ faid Pariih of St. Martins do, may, might or ought to receive, and lhall be accountable for the fame, James. and all other Money that (hall come to them as Church-wardens, in fuch manner as Church-wardens of?°n C -^gof t!1 ' other Parilhes within the City and Liberties of JVeJhninjier are or ought to be. T a receive fuch XII. Provided always, and be it enacted, That all fuch Veftry-men of the faid Pariih of St. Martin Duties as the as are Inhabitants within the Precincts aforefaid, and all fuch others, as are now conflituted to be Su- ^ e hu,cl f T ar * pervifors and Commiffioners for the faid Church of St. James by the faid Lord Bifhop of London, fhall Martins, and be Veftry-men of the faid Parifh of St. James, and they, together with the faid Rector of the faid Pa- fhaiibea'ccount- rifh, or any fix or more of them, lhall and are hereby authorized at their firft or fecond meeting after ^ ble lor the the end of this prefent Seffion of Parliament, to elect fo many additional Veftry-men Inhabitants and TheVeftrymen Houfholders within the faid Parifh, as fhall make the number of the whole, with the Rector and ii St. Martins Church-wardens for the time being, to be four and thirty perfons, and the faid Veftry-men, or any fix '^ ib> p n . s -'J? St * or more of them, (whereof the Rector for the time being, or his Aiiiftant or Clerk, by his appoint- andVie Super- ment, and one of the Church-wardens, to be two) fhall and may have and exercife the like power vi <°'s of the and authority for ordering and regulating the Affairs of the faid Pariih of St. James, as the Veftry- ^ ne U v'ft h . a!1 be men of the faid Pariih of St. Martin now have and exercife in reference to the faid Parifh of St. thereof. r>men Martin; and upon the death or other voidance of any fuch Veftry-man, they or any fix or more The y ffiaii eieft of them, fhall and may elect a fit perfon, Inhabitant and Houlholder in the faid Pariih, to fupply the ftS°„ al Ve ~ fame. . TheReitorand XIII. Provided always, and be it enacted, That the Church-wardens of the faid Parifh for the time Veih-ymenhave being, lhall not at any time difpofe of any of the Pews or Places in Pews in the faid Church, to any asVefl/menof perfon not an Inhabitant thereof, nor without the confent and allowance of the Veftry-men for the St. Martins?" time being, or any fix or more of them. Pews not to be XIV. And be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Rector of the faid Parifh for the time bTconSlm of ' being fhall and may, by and with the confent of the faid Veftry-men and Church- wardens thereof for the Veftrymen. the time being, or any fix or more of them, whereof one of the Church- wardens to be one, from time TheRtftorwith to time, nominate one able Minifter in Priefts Orders to refide in the faid Pariih, to be Preacher and Ve"rtry to'nomi- Affiftant to the faid Rector and his Succeffors in the Celebration of the Divine Offices of Praying and nateaPreaciur* Preaching, and other Duties incident to be performed in the faid Church and Pariih, as the Rector lhall '? be affiftamto require of him; and likewife to nominate a fit perfon in like Orders to be Clerk of the faid Parifh and A 'nd tonomi- Pariih-Church, and one or more Sexton or Sextons; to which Clerk and Sextons refpectively there nate a cierk to fhall be fuch and the like Dues, Fees, Perquifities and Profits paid and allowed, as are or have at any be in Priefts time been paid or payable, or belonging to the Clerk and Sextons of the faid Parilh-Church of St. one e r'more Martin refpectively : which faid Preacher- Affiftant, Clerk and Sexton or Sextons, and every of them, Sextons. lhall continue in his faid place during his or their natural Lives, if they lhall fo long inhabit there, ex- Jo have the cept for fome Offence or Mifgovernment by them, or any of them committed (and unlefs for Caufe an^Sexfoii'of reafonable proved) they fhall be difplaced by the faid Rector for the time being, by and with the con- St. Martins, lent of the faid Veftry-men, or any fix or more of them. Preacher, cierk YV Ar.r! and Sexton to av. And be f orL £ te . >e , fubjefi for Mifgovernment to be difplaced.