Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/679

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A'P P E ■ N ; D I X. 205 them in Goods, Chattels, or other Perfonal Eftate, (Stock upon Land, and Goods ufed for-HoufhoId fluff excepted) or in Offices or Employments of Profit : And the faid AfTeffors are therein alio to be re- quired, and are hereby enjoyned-to afcertain and inform themfelves by all lawful ways and means they can, of the true and full Rate and Valuation of the true yearly Rents and Profits of all Manors, Mef- fuages, Lands, Tenements, as alfo all Quarries, Mines of Coal, Tin, or Lead, all Iron-works and Salt-works, Allom Mines or Works, Parks, Chafes, Warrens, Woods, Underwoods, and Copices, Fifhings, Tythes, Tolls, and other Hereditaments, of what nature or kind foever, fituate, lying and being, happening and arifing within the Limits of thofe places with which they (hall be charged ; And being fo thereof afcertained they are to Affefs all and every the faid Manors, Meffuages, Lands, Tene- ments and Premifles before appointed to be charged after the rate of Twelve pence for every Twenty millings of the true yearly value as the fame are Let for, or are Worth to be Let at the time of the Affeffing thereof as aforefaid, and to bring with them at the time and place fo as aforefaid prefixed for their Appearance a Certificate in writing of the faid Afleffment, and (hall then alfo return the Names of two or more able and fuffident perfons living within the Limits and Bounds of thofe Parilhes, Townihips, Conftablewicks, or Places where they (hall be chargeable reflectively, to be Collectors of the Moneys to be paid to Their Majefties by this Act ; For whofe paying in to the head Col- lectors in manner hereafter' mentioned, fuch Moneys as they (hall be charged withal, the Parifh or Place wherein they are fo Imployed (hall be anfwerable. And if any Affeflbrs fo as aforefaid appointed or to be appointed (hall neglect or refufe to ferve, or fhall make default at the time appointed for his appearance (not having a lawful excufe to be witneffed by the Oaths of two credible Witneffes, which Oath the faid Commiffioners, or any two of them have power to adminifler) every fuch Alienor (hall for every fuch neglect, refufal or default, forfeit and lofe unto Their Majefties fuch Sum as the Com- miffioners (hall think fit, not exceeding the Sum of Ten pounds : And every Affeffor fo as aforefaid appointed or to be appointed, (hall before he take upon him the Execution of the faid Impioymerit take an Oath to be Adminiftred in thefe words following ; YO U (hall Swear, Well and Truly to Execute the duty of an Affeffor, and to caufe the Rates and Duties Impofed by an Act, Intituled, An Aft for a Grant to Their Majefties of an did of Twelve pence in the Pound for One Tear, for the neeeffary Defence of Their Realms, to be Dujy and Im- partially Affeffed, according to the bed of your Skill and Knowledge, and therein you (hall Spare no Perfon for Favour or Affection, Nor any Perfon Grieve for Hatred or 111 Will ;

  • So help you God."

Which Oath any two Commiffioners in the County where the faid Afleffment is to be made have hereby power, and are required to Adminifler. VIII. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Rates and Affeffments upon all Goods, Chattels, Perfonal Eftate, Offices and Publick Places and Imployments charged by this Act fhall be afcertained, and the Certificates thereof returned to the Commiffioners upon or before the Twelfth day of Ottobcr, One thoufand fix hundred eighty nine, unlefs the Commiffioners fhall think, fit to give further time ; And alfo the Taxations and Affeffments of the Pound rate of Twelve pence in the pound for every Twenty (hillings of the yearly value of all Meffuages, Lands, Tenements, He- reditaments and Premiffes charged by this Act, (hall be made and afcertained, and the feveral and re- spective Certificates thereof returned in to the Commiffioners, upon or before the Twelfth day of Offc- ber aforefaid, unlefs the Commiffioners (hall think fit to give further time; And the faid Affeflbrs are hereby required to give one Copy of their Certificates, or Affeffments fairly written and fubfcnbed by them unto the faid Commiffioners by whom they were appointed, and the (aid Commiffioners or any two or more of them are hereby ordered and required to caufe the faid feveral and respective Affefi- ments to them delivered (if by them approved of) to be fairly written, and to Sign and Seal feveral Du- plicates or Copies of the faid Affeffments, and one of them fo Signed and Sealed, forthwith to deliver or caufe to be delivered unto the Subcolleetors ;. And (hail likewife deliver or caufe to be delivered other Copies thereof fo Signed and Sealed unto the Head Collectors and Receivers- General, according to their feveral and refpective Collections and Receipts; And moreover the Commiffioners fhall caufe a true Copy or Extract of the whole Sums Affeffed and Charged within every Hundred, Lathe, Wapentake, , Parith, Ward, or Place, Rated or Affeffed in purfuance of this Act, and of the whole Sums Rated or Affeffed upon Perfonal Eftates, Offices or Employments, to be Certified and Tranfmitted into Their . Majefties Court of Exchequer, under the Hands and Seals of any two or more of the Commiffioners,. • but without naming the Perfons in fuch their Certificates ; And this the faid Commiffioners (hall caufe to be done upon or before the Twenty fifth day of November then next enfuing, or within Thirty days after, all Appeals to them made being firft determined ; And the Kings P.emembrancer in the Exche- quer for the time being (hall, and is hereby required within Three months after the Duplicates of the . laft Payment fhall be Tranfmitted to him, to Transcribe all the Schedules and Duplicates of the Sums Returned to him, from and for every refpective County, Riding, City and Town, and every Hundred, Wapentake, Parifh, Divifion, Town and Place therein, in a Book of Parchment, in Alphabetical' Or- der., and in a fair Legible Hand-writing ; and within Three months after the fame fhall be fo by him Received, fhall Tranimit all and every the fame. Schedules and Duplicates to the Office of the Writer of the Talleys, commonly called the Auditors of the Receipt of ths Exchequer, who is hereby likewife Author iied