Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/683

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APPENDIX. 209 Ipective Receiver General, of all the Moneys received by him of the faid Head Collectors, and of the payment thereof into His Majefties Receipt of Exchequer, according to the Direction of this Act ; And in cafe of any failure in the Premiffes, the faid Commiflioners, or any two or more of them, are hereby- required to caufe the fame to be forthwith Levied, and Paid according to the true intent and meaning of this Act ; And in cafe of any Controverfie ariiing between the faid Commiflioners, concerning any Rates or AflefTments to be laid by virtue of this Act, the Commiflioners that (hall be concerned therein ihall have no Voice, but ihall withdraw during the Debate of fuch Controverfie, until it be determined t>y the reft of the Commiflioners ; And all Queftions and Differences that (hall arife touching any of the faid Rates, Taxes, AflefTments or Levies, ihall be heard and finally determined by two or more of the Commiflioners, upon Complaint thereof to them made, by any Perfon or Perfons thereby grieved, without further Trouble or Suit in Law ; And the faid Receivers General fhall give Acquittances gratis to the faid Head Collectors, for all Moneys of them received ; And the faid Head Collectors (hall alfo give Acquittances gratis to the Subcollectors, for all fuch Moneys as fhall be paid by them in purfuance of this Act ; And the faid Subcollectors (hall make and deliver to the faid Head Collectors, a perfect Schedule fairly written in Parchment under their Hands and Seals, Signed and Allowed by any two or more of the refpective Commiflioners, containing the Names, Sirnames, and Places of abode, of every Perfon within their refpetfive Collection, that (hall make default of payment of any of the Sums that fhall be Rated or AflefTed on fuch Perfon by virtue of this Act, where no fufficient Diftrefs is to be found, and not otherwife, and the Sum and Sums charged on every fuch Perfon : The fame Schedule to be delivered by the Head Collector to the Receiver General of the County, City or Place reflec- tively, to be by him Returned into their Majefties Court of Exchequer, whereupon every Perfon fo making default of payment may be charged by Procefs of the Court, according to the courfe of the Court of Exchequer in fuch Caies. XIX. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That no Letters Patents granted by their Majefties, or any of their Royal Progenitors, to any Perfon or Perfons, Cities, Boroughs or Towns Corporate within this Realm of any manner of Liberties, Priviledges, or Exemptions from Subfidies, Tolls, Taxes, AflefTments or Aids, fhall be conftrued or taken to exempt any Perfon or Perfons, City, ^Borough or Town Corporate, or any the Inhabitants of the fame, from the Burthen and Charge of any Sum or Sums of Money granted by this Act ; But that all and every fuch Perfon and Perfons, City, Borough and Town Corporate, (hall pay their Proportions of all Rates and AflefTments by this prefent Act impofed (any fuch Letters Patents, Grants or Charters, or any Claufe of Non objlante, matter or tiling therein contained, or any Law, Statute, Cultom or Prelcription, to the contrary notwith- ftanding.) XX. Provided alfo, That no Perfon inhabiting in any City, Borough or Town Corporate, fhall be compelled to be any Afleflbr or Collector of, or for any part of the Rates and AflefTments hereby granted, in any Place or Places out of the Limits of the faid Borough or Town Corporate. XXL Provided alfo, That nothing in this Act contained, fhall be extended to charge any Colledge or Hall in either of the Univerfities, or the Colledges of Wind/or, Eaton, Winton or Wejiminjler, or any Hofpitals or Almfhoufes, or any Free School, for or in refpect of the Scites of the faid Colledges, or Halls, or Hofpitals, or Almfhoufes, or Free School, qr any Mafter, Fellow, or Scholar of any fuch Colledge or Hall, or in any other Free Schools, or any Reader, Officer or Minifter of the faid Uni- verfities, Colledges or Schools, or of any Almfmen of any Hofpitals or Almfhoufes, for or in refpect of any Stipend, Wages or Profits whatfoever, arifing or growing due to them in refpect of the faid feveral Places and Employments in the faid Univerfities, Colledges, Halls, Schools, Hofpitals or Almfhoufes, nor to charge any of the Houfes or Lands belonging to ChrijTs Hofpital, or the Hofpitals of Saint Bartholomew, Bridewell, Saint Thomas, and Bethlehem Hofpital within the City of London and Borough of Southwark, or any of them, or to any Colledge or Hall in either of the Univerfities, or to the Colledges of Eaton, JVinchefter or Wejiminjler, or to any Hofpital, Almfhoufe or Free School whatfo- ever, for or in refpect of any Rents or Revenues payable to the faid Hofpitals, being to be Received and Difburfed for the immediate Ufe and Relief of the Poor in the faid Hofpitals. XXII. Provided, That no Tenants of any Lands or Houfes, by Leafe or Grant from any of the faid Hofpitals, Colledges, Halls, Almfhoufes or Free Schools fhall claim or enjoy any Freedom or Exemp- tion by this Act, but that all the Houfes and Lands which they fo hold, fhall be Rated for fo much as they are yearly worth, over and above the Rents referved and payable to the faid Hofpitals, Colledges, Halls, Almfhoufes or Free Schools. XXIII. Provided alfo, That where any Perfon inhabiting within the City of London, or any other City or Town Corporate, hath his Dwelling-houfe in one of the Parifhes and Wards therein, and hath any Goods, Wares or Merchandizes chargeable by this Act, in one or more of the other Parifhes or Wards in the fame City, That then fuch Perfon (hall be Charged, Taxed and AflefTed for fuch his Goods or Merchandizes, in the Parifh or Ward where he dwelleth, and not elfewhere in the faid City. XXIV. Provided always, and be it further Declared and Enacted by the Authority- aforefaid, That for the avoiding all Obftructions and Delays in AfTeifing and Collecting the Sums which by this Act are to be Rated and AflefTed, all Places, Conftablewicks, Divifions and Allotments, which have ufed to be Rated and AflefTed, Ihall Pay and be AflefTed in fuch County, Hundred, Rape, Wapentake, Conftable- wick, Divifion, Place and Allotment as the fame hath heretofore ulually been AflefTed in, and not elfe- where. APPEND. E e XXV. Provided,