Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/693

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APPENDIX. 2ig> doms or of his Wife by any other Hufband after his Death* the fum of Seventeen pounds tea /hil- lings ' over and above the faid Two (hillings ; And for, and upon the Birth of every other Son or Daughter of (rich Vicount or of his Wife by any other Hufband after his death, the fum of thirteen pounds fix (hillings and eight pence, over and above the faid Two fliillings; And for, and upon the Birth of every eldeft Son of every perfon of the degree of a Baron of any of the faid three Kingdoms, or of his Wife by any other Hufband after his Death, the fum of Fifteen pounds, over and above the (aid Two (hillings ; And for, and upon the Birth of every other Son or Daughter of fuch Baron, or of his Wife by any other Hufband after his death, the fum of Twelve pounds, over and above the faid Two millings ; And for, and upon the Birth of every eldeft Son of every perfon of the degree of a Baronet, Kni<dit of the Order of the Bath, or Knight Batcheior, the fum of Five pounds, over and above the faid °T wo millings ; And for, and upon the Birth of every eldeft Son of a Serjeant at Law, Efquire or Gentleman the fum of Twenty {hillings, over and above the laid two (hillings ; And for and upon the Birth of every younger Son or Daughter of Baronets, Knights of the Bath, Knights Batchelors, Ser- jeants at Law, Efquires or Gentlemen, or fo reputed, or owning or writing themfelves as fuch, the fum of twenty (hillings, over and above the ("aid Two fliillings ; And for, and upon the Birth of every Son or Daughter of an Arch-bilhop, Bifhop, Dean, Arch-Deacon, Canon, Prebendary, Doctor of Divinity, Law or Phyfick, the fum of twenty fliillings, over and above the faid two fliillings ; And for, and upon the Birth of every Son or Daughter of every perfon having a real Eftate of the Value of Fifty pounds ■per Annum or upwards, or a perfonal Eftate of the Value of Six hundred pounds or upwards, and not hereby otherwife Charged under any of the Ranks, Orders, Qualifications or Degrees herein before mentioned, the fum of Ten (hillings, over and above the faid two fliillings. VII. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, that the faid feveral and refpeclive fums of Births of chii- money, fo impofed, as aforefaid, for and upon the Birth or Births of any Child or Children within the £ a e r n P aid £y Kingdom or the Dominion, or Town aforefaid, (hall be Charged upon, and Anfwered and paid to aren s ' c ' his Slajefty, his Heirs and Succeffors for the aforefaid term of five years, by the Father, if living at the time of the Birth of any fuch Child or Children, and if he (hall be dead at the time of fuch Birth, by the Mother of fuch Child or Children, fo Born ; And in cafe of the death of fuch Father and Mother at the time of the Birth, by fuch perfon or perfons who (hall take upon him, her, or them, the Guar- dianfhip or Care of fuch Child or Children lb born, to be reimburfed again in the firft place, out of the real or perfonal Eftate of fuch Child or Children fo born, (if any) to be Levied in fuch manner as is herein after directed. VIII. Arid be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, that from and after the faid Firft day of Duties upon May, for and during the faid term of Five years, there (hall be Raifed, Levied and paid to his Ma- Marriages, for ieftyl his Heirs and Spccefibrs, for, and upon every Marriage of any perfons (except as herein after is years " excepted) who (hall be Married within the faid term of Five years, and no longer, at any place within the Kingdom of England, Dominion of Wales, and Town of Benvick upon Tweed, the feveral and re- fpeclive Duties and Sums of money herein after mentioned (that is to fay ;) IX. For, ana . upon the refpeclive Marriage of every perfon (except fuch as receive Alms) the fum of Particulars, Two fliillings arid fix pence;And for, and upon the Marriage of every perfon of the degree of a Duke of England, Scotland ', or 'Ireland', the fum. of Fifty pounds, over and above the faid Two (hillings and fix pence ; And for, and upon the Marriage of every perfon of the degree of a Marquefs of any of the faid three Kingdoms, the fum of Forty pounds, over and above the faid Two fliillings and fix pence; And for, and upon the Marriage of every perfon of the degree of an Earl of any of the laid three King- doms the fum of thirty pounds* over and above the faid Two (hillings and fix pence ; And for, and upon' the Marriage of every perfon of the degree of a Vifcount of any of the faid three Kingdoms, the fum of Five and twenty pounds, over and above the faid Two (hillings and fix pence ; And for, and upon the Marriage of every perfon of the degree of a Baron of any of the faid three Kingdoms, the fum of twenty pounds, over arid above the faid Two fliillings and fix pence ; And for, and upon the Mar- riage of every eldeft Son of a. Duke of any of the faid three Kingdoms, the fum of Thirty pounds, over and above the faid Two (hillings and fix pence ; And for, and upon the Marriage of every younger Son of fuch Duke, the fum of Five and twenty pounds, over and above the faid Two (hillings and fix pence; And for and upon the Marriage of every eldeft Son of a Marquefs of any of the faid three Kingdoms, of any of the faid three Kingdoms, the fum of twenty pounds, over and above the faid Two (hillings and fix pence; And for, and upon the Marriage of every younger Son of fuch Earl, the fum of Fifteen pounds, over and above the faid Two (hillings and fix pence; And for, and upon the Marriage of <every e'ldeft Son of a Vicount of any of the (aid three Kingdoms, the fum of Seventeen pounds and ten {hillings over and above the faid Two (hillings and fix pence ; And for, and upon the Marriage of every younger Son of fuch Vicount, the fum of Thirteen pounds fix fliillings and eight pence, over and above the faid Two (hillings and fix pence ; And for, and upon the Marriage of every eldeft Son of a Baron of any of the faid three Kingdoms, the fum of Fifteen pounds, over and above the faid Two fhillings and fix pence ; And for, and upon -the Marriage of every younger Son of fuch Baron, the fum of Twelve pounds, over and above the ("aid Two fliillings and fix pence ; And for, and upon the Mar- riage of every perfon of the Degree of a Baronet of any of the faid three Kingdoms, or of Nova Scotia, the* 3 fum of Fifteen pounds, over and above the faid Two fliillings and Six pence ; And for, and upon the Marriage of everv perfon. that is a Knight of the Order of the Bath, the Sum of Fifteen pounds, ■-over and above the laid Two (hillings and fix pence ; And for, and upon the Marriage of every perfon Viz that