Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/698

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224 Vicars to read the Annm) Af- (:l)'ment in the Church. Perfons grieved in four laft years may ap- peal to J uflices. Appeals final. Regifter to be kept in every Parifh of Mar- riages, Births and Burials. Notice to lie given to Col- Jeftors of Child feorn. APPENDIX. intent and meaning of this Act ; And the faid Juftices of the Peace, or any three or more of them, (hall, after fuch perufal and examination thereof, let their Hands to the laid refpective Affeffments teftifying their Allowance thereof; And (hall likewife nominate and appoint two of the perfons named in the laid Certificate or Affeffment, to be Collectors for the refpective Divifions,' and Places, for which they were fo prefented ; And (hall forthwith deliver, or caufe to be delivered fuch Affeffment, fo by them Al- lowed of, unto the refpective perfons by them nominated, to be Collectors for the year enfuing; Who are hereby ftrictly enjoined and required to Collect and pay the feveral Rates and Duties fo Rated and Affefied according to the directions herein before contained, for and touching the Collectors of the faid Duties hereby Granted, and under the feveral Penalties and Forfeitures hereby inflicted upon Col- lectors for neglect or not performance of their Duty. XXI. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforefaid, that the feveral and refpective Collectors of the Duty granted by this Act, lhall every year, during the continuance thereof, within the fpace of lix days after the refpective AiTeffments or Certificates (hall be to them delivered, deliver over the fame, or a true Copy thereof, unto the refpective Parlbn, Vicar, Rector or Curate for the refpective Pa- rifh, Divilions or Places, for which they are appointed Collectors, under the penalty of forfeiting the Sum of Five pounds to his Majefty ; And the faid Parfons, Rectors, Vicars and Curates, are hereby required under the like penalty of Five pounds, to be forfeited to his Majefty for every offence, on the next Lords day, commonly called Sunday, after the Receipt thereof, openly and publickly to read or caufe the fame to be read in the Church, immediately after Divine Service in the morning, to the end that every perfon thereby Rated or Charged, may have notice of fuch Rate or Charge, and if he or they find him or themfelves aggrieved thereby, they may complain and appeal according to the directions of this Act. XXII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid that during the Four laft years of the faid terra of Five years, for which the Duties Impofed by this Act are granted, upon complaint made by any perfon or perfons Rated or affeffed by virtue of this Act, to the Juftices of the Peace who Signed or allowed his or their Rate or Affeffment within ten days after fuch notice, as aforefaid, given, by read- ing the refpective Rates and affeffments in the Church, as before is directed, the faid Juftices who Sign- ed or Allowed the faid Rates, or any two of them, together with the other Juftices of the faid County, Riding, City or Place, where fuch Affeffment was made, are hereby impowered at the next Quarter Sef- fions, after fuch Complaint, particularly to examine the parties fo complaining, upon his or her Oath of Ills or her Rank, Degree, Qualification or Eftate, and upon due examination or knowledge thereof, to abate, encreafe defalk or enlarge the faid Affeffments, or any of them ; And the fame fo abated, encreaf- ed or enlarged, fnall be certified and delivered by them unto the refpective_ Collectors of the faid Duties for their better direction in the Collection thereof; Who are hereby required to Collect and pay the fame, according to the directions of this Act, under the feveral penalties and forfeitures hereby Inflict- ed upon Collectors for neglect of, or not peforming their duty ; And a true Duplicate thereof fhall be in convenient time by them made out and delivered unto the refpective Receivers General, fo as every of them may be duly Charged to anfwer their refpective Collections and Receipts ; And the faid Collectors and Receivers General are hereby required, to Pay all and every the fums which fhall be by them Collect- ed or Received, at any time during the continuance of this Act, at fuch times and places and in fuch manner, and under fuch Penalties and Forfeitures for not payment thereof, as herein before is directed. XXIII. And be it further enacted, that all Appeals once heard and determined by virtue of this Act, fhall be final, without any further Appeal upon any pretence whatfoever. XXIV. And be it further enacted for the better Levying and Collecting the Duties granted by this Act, that all perfons in holy Orders, Deans, Parfons, Deacons, Vicars, Curates, and their or any of their Substitutes, do within their refpective Parifhes, Precincts, and Places, take an exact and true ac- count, and keep a Regilter in writing of all and every perfon or perfons Married, Buried, Chriftened or born in his or their refpective Parifhes, or Precincts, or in fuch Common Burying places as their refpective Parifhioners are ufually Buried in, to which Book or Regifter, the Collectors for the refpective Parilhes and Places, and all other perfons concerned fhall have free accefs to view the fame at all feafon- able times,- without any Fee or Reward ; And if any fuch Parfon or Miniiter fhall refufe, or neglect to keep a true Regifter thereof, as before is directed, fuch Parfon or other Miniiter fo offending, lhall forfeit the fum of one hundred pounds, to be recovered by fuch perfon as (hall fue for the fame in any of his Majefty's Courts of Record at V/ejlminfter, by any Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint or Informat.on, wherein no Effoign, wager of Law or protection fhall be allowed, and wherein the profecutor fhall reco- ver his full Cofts, the moiety of which forfeiture fhall be to the ufe of the Kings Majefty, his Heirs and Succeffors, and the other Moiety to the perfons who fhall inform and fue for the fame. XXV. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, that the Parents of every Child which fhall be born at any time within the faid term of Five years, or one of them, fhall within Five days after fuch birth, give notice to the collectors, or one of them of the Parifn or Place where fuch Child was born, and of the Chriftian name of fuch Child, and the day of its birth ; And the faid Collectors, or one of them lhall thereupon give a Certificate in writing under his or their hands unto fuch Parent, teftifying that fuch notice was given, without Fee or Reward for the fame ; And in cafe any Child (hall be born dead, then one of the Parents thereof (hall bring a Certificate under the hands of two or more perfons teftifying the fame, unto the faid Collectors, or one of them ; And in cafe any Parent lhall neglect to give fuch notice, as aforefaid, he lhall Forfeit the Sum of Forty fhillings, one Moiety thereof to theXings Majefty, and the other moiety to the .Informer. XXVI, And