Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/73

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A. D. 1762. Anno tertio Geo rgii III. C. 12, 23 Maker otf Makers of Cyder or Perry ; and the Amount of the Duties thereby charged, fiiall be paid The Duties to be paid ac by fuch Maker or Makers refpeaively, within the Space of fix Weeks, to be computed from the c , 0,di "f t , here , t0 ' Wlthin Time of making fuch Charge. making fuch charge . XI. Provided always, That fuch and the like Allowances fhall be made to the feveral Perfons * n itheufual Allowances chargeable with the Duties in this Aft, as have been ufually made to Perfons chargeable with the l^- ln pea Duties upon Cyder and Perry by former Laws. ' XII. And for preventing fuch Frauds as might be committed by felling, or otherwife difpofing ' of Cyder or Perry, made after the faid fifth Day of July one thoufand feven hundred and fixty- ' three, under Pretence of its having been made before the Commencement of this Act, and thereby

  • evading the Payment of the Duty intended by this Aft to be charged thereupon ;' Be it enacted by .

the Authority aforefaid, That every Perfon having in his, her or their Poffeffion any Cyder or Perry Perfons intending to fcili, made before the faid fifth Day of July one thoufand feven hundred and fixty-three, and intending »' "move any Cyd« or , ,, , •/- _]•/- re c i_- 1 ^u • D rr it <"> „■. V rerry in their Pofleffion- to fell, or otherwne dupole or or remove out of his, her or their own Polieihon, any (Quantity or ma( je before r July 1767 fuch Cyder or Perry, {hall ten Days at the lead before the faid fifth Day of July one thoufand feven are to fend a figned Has" hundred and fixty-three give a true and particular Account thereof in Writing, figned by him, tkular thereof to the her or them, at the Office of Excife next to the Place where he, fhe or they (hall then inhabit, next Office of Excife, that the Officer of Excife may attend to take an Account thereof; and after fuch Account fhall be J ,^. 1 ^the OffiL delivered in, it fhall be lawful for the Officer and Officers of Excife to enter i.ito the feveral Places may at ' tend and ^^^ belonging to fuch Perfon or Perfons where fuch Cyder or Perry fhall be laid or kept, and to take an Account thereof, exact Account thereof by gauging or otherwife; and it fhall be lawful for him, upon a Requeft in and grant Certificates Writing from the Perfon who has given in fuch Account, from time to time to grant Certificates occasionally for the Re- for the Removal of a like Quantity of Cyder or Perry, and no more, without charging the Duty ^" nou ° t charging the^* granted by this Ait, diftinguifhing in fuch Certificates, that the Cyder or Perry was made before Duty, &c. the Commencement of the Duty granted by this Act. XIII. And for the preventing of Frauds in the Removal of Cyder or Perry, and for fecuring the Duty granted by this Act, Be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after No Cyder or Perry, ex- the faid fifth Day of July one thoufand feven hundred and fixty-three, no Cyder or Perry exceeding ^ "f d 6 & alloni L to ^ the Quantity of fix Gallons {hall be removed or carried from any Part of this Kingdom, by Land a certificate - or by Water, without a Certificate (which the Officers of Excife are hereby required to give with- out Fee or Reward, upon Requeft of the Perfon defiring to remove fuch Cyder or Perry) to accom- pany the fame, figned by one or more of the Officers of Excife, fignifying and certifying the Quan- tity of fuch Cyder and Perry, and the Number of Casks or Package containing the fame, and the Name of the Perfon from whom the fame is removed, and the Place to which, and the Name and Place of Abode of the Perfon to whom fuch Cyder or Perry is to be fent ; and diftinguifhing there- in, whether the fame is to be removed from the Mill where the fame was made, into the Premifles of any Compounder, or of any Perfon exempted by this Act from paying Duty, or compounding,. or of any other Perfon chargeable with the faid Duty ; and if removed out of the Stock or Store- houfe of any Compounder or other Perfon, then diftinguifhing from whofe Stock or Store-houfe the fame is intended to be removed, or whether the fame was Cyder or Perry made before the Com- mencement of the Duty granted by this Act; and if the fame fhall have been charged with the faid Duty, or any other Duty, then with what Duty the fame has been fo charged ; or if condemned, then that the fame had been condemned as forfeited ; upon Pain of forfeiting the Cyder or Perry, on Forfeiture thereof together with the Casks, VefTels, or other Package containing the fame, which {hall be found re- with the Package, moving or carrying from one Place to another without fuch Certificate, and which fhall and may fc- ffice ™^ ani * cife may be feized by any Officer or Officers of Excife ; in which Certificate the Officer or Officers of Ex- Time'wbeTrnited, for d(e who grant the fame, fhall exprefs and limit the Time for which the fame fhall continue in which the Certificate is Force. to be in Force. ' XIV. And whereas many of his Majefty's Subjects do make Cyder or Perry, Part of which is

  • intended not to be fold, but to be confumed in their own private Families only :' For the better

Accommodation of fuch Perfons, Be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That when any Perfons making Cyder or fuch Perfon fhall be defirous of compounding for the Duties on Cyder and Perry to be confumed in *££ Zl? rhluTr* '? their own private Families only, it {hall be lawful for the faid refpective CommiiTioners of Excife fe^onl™™"^ be^m?t- for the Time being, or the major Part of them refpectively, or fuch Perfon or Perfons as they, or ted to compound for the major Part of them fhall refpectively appoint for that Purpofe, and in Default of fuch Appoint- the Duties, ment, then for the Collector and Supervifor for the Diftrict and Diviiion within which fuch Perfon doth or fhall inhabit, upon receiving from the Perfon who fhall fo defire to make fuch Compofition they giving in a Lift of an exact Lift figned by him or her, of the feveral Perfons whereof his or her Family confift (fpe- the Number in Family, cifying their Chriftian and Surnames therein) to compound and agree with fuch Perfon or Perfons a " d paying at the Rate for the Duty of four Shillings granted by this Act on Cyder and Perry, to be confumed in their Ann ^ m per ' pec own private Families only, at the Rate of five Shillings per Annum, for the Number of Perfons Compofition tobere- which fhall be mentioned in fuch Lift ; which Compofition fhall laft for one Year, and be renewed newed annually, and the annually, and the Money arifing thereby fhall be paid down at the tefpective Times of making the Money paid down at the Compofitions ; and that the Houfes, Out-houfes, Store-houfes, Cellars, or other Places of fuch £ rae Ti "f- particular Perfons making fuch Compofition and Agreement as aforefaid, and paying fuch Compo- Z>™a&ers exenrotedToni fition-money, and duly complying with their Payments thereupon, fhall not be liable to the Survey Survey or Search, or Search of any Officer or Officers of Excife, for or by reafon of his or their making Cyder or Upon'lncreafe of the Perry as aforefaid ; and in cafe the Family of the Perfon making the Compofition fhall be increafed, family, a new Lift to a j be g ven in;