Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/85

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A. D. 1762. Anno tertio Georgii III. C. 12. 35 Book or Books by Reafon or Means of the Certificates fo received, taken in and cancelled as afore- faid, and of the Annuities attending the fame. LXIV. And, for the more eafy and fure Payment of all the Annuities eftablifhed by this Act ; Be A Chief Cafhier, and it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the faid Governor and Company of the Bank of Accomptant General, England, and their Succeffors {hall, from time to time, until all the faid Annuities, after the Rate of Bank for°payin the four Pounds per Centum per Annum, fhall be redeemed, appoint and employ one or more fufficient Annuities. Perfon or Perfons within their Office in the City of London, to be their Chief or Firft Cafliier or Cafhiers, and one other fufficient Perfon within the fame Office, to be their Accomptant General ; and that fo much of the Monies applicable to this Purpofe as fhall be fufficient, from time to time, TreafWy to iflue Money to an f we r the faid Annuities, and other Payments herein directed to be made out of fuch Monies, for that Purpofe to the fhall, by Order of the Commiffioners of the Treafury, or any three or more of them, or the High fald Ca<hier j Treafurer for the Time being, without any further or other Warrant to be fued for, had and ob- tained in that Behalf, from time to time, at the refpedtive Days of Payment in this A£l appointed for Payment thereof, be ifTued and paid at the faid Receipt of Exchequer to the faid Firft or Chief Cafhier or Cafhiers of the faid Governor and Company of the Bank of England, and their Succeffors for the Time being, by way of Impreft and upon Account, for the Payment of the faid Annuities payable by virtue of this Act ; and that fuch Cafhier or Cafhiers to whom the faid Money /hall from who is to account for the time to time be ifTued, fhall from time to time without Delay pay the fame accordingly, and ren- fame, der his or their Accounts thereof, according to the due Courfe of the Exchequer. LXV. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the faid Accomptant General Accomptant General to for the Time being, fhall from time to time infpect and examine all Receipts and Payments of the and^Pa'mentf o"^" faid Cafliier or Cafhiers, and the Vouchers relating thereto, in order to prevent any Fraud, Negli- caihier^ gence, or Delay ; and that all Perfons who fhall be intitled to any of the Annuities hereby granted, Annuities deemed a Per- and all Perfons lawfully claiming under them, fhall be pofTefTed thereof as of a Perfonal Eftate,- which fonal Eftate, &c. fhall not be defcendable to Heirs, nor liable to any foreign Attachment by the Cuftom of London, or otherwife ; any Law, Statute or Cuftom to the contrary notwithftanding. LXVI. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all the Monies to be advanced The Monies contributed or contributed by virtue of this Act, towards the faid Sum of three millions five hundred thoufand towards the h >* Sum of Pounds, flial) be deemed one Capital and Joint Stock; and that all Perfons and Corporations what- ed^CapUa'u^To'int" foever, in Proportion to the Monies by them feverally advanced for the Purchafe of the faid Annui- stock transferrable. ties, or to which they fhall become intitled by virtue of this Act, fhall have, and be deemed to have, a proportional Intereft and Share in the faid Stock, and in the faid Annuities attending the fame, after the Rate aforefaid ; and that the faid whole Capital or Joint Stock of three millions five hun- dred thoufand Pounds, or any Share or Intereft therein, fhall be affignable and transferrable as this Act directs, and not otherwife. LXVII. Provided alfo, and it is hereby enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That at any Time Claufe of Redemption, upon fix Months Notice to be printed in the London Gazette, and fixed upon the Royal Exchange in London ; and upon Repayment by Parliament, of the faid Sum of three millions five hundred thou- fand Pounds, or any Part thereof, by Payments not lefs than five hundred thoufand Pounds at one Time, in fuch Manner as fhall be directed by any future Act or Acts of Parliament in that Behalf, and alfo upon full Payment of all Arrearages of the faid Annuities ; then, and not till then, fuch and (o much of the faid Annuities, as fhall be attending on the principal Sums fo paid off, fhall ceafe and determine, and be underftood to be redeemed; and that any Vote orRefolution of the Houfe of Commons, fignified by the Speaker in Writing, to be inferted in the London Gazette, and affixed on the Royal Exchange in London as aforefaid, {hall be deemed and adjudged to be fufficient .Notice within the Words and Meaning of this Act. LXV1II. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That Books fhall be conftantly Transfer Books to be kept by the faid Accomptant General for the Time being, wherein all Alignments or Transfers of ke P E b y the Accomptant all Sums advanced or contributed towards the faid Sum of two millions eight hundred thoufand Genera!> Pounds, and of all Sums determined and afcertained by the Drawing of the faid Lotteries, fhall at all feafonable Times .be entered and regiftered ; which Entry fhall be conceived in proper Words Meth °d °f transferring for that Purpofe, and fhall be figned by the Parties making fuch Affignments or Transfers ; or, if Stock - , fuch Parties be abfent, by their refpective Attorney or Attornies thereunto lawfully authorized in Writing, under his or their Hand and Seal, or Hands and Seals, to be attefted by two or more credible WitnefTes ; and that the feveral Perfons to whom fuch Transfers fliall be made, fhall refpectively underwrite their Acceptance thereof; and that no other Method of affigning and transferring the faid Annuities, or any Part thereof, or any Intereft therein, fhall be good or available in Law. LXIX. Provided always, That all Perfons pofTefTed of any Share or Intereft in the faid Stock of Annuities aevifeable by Annuities, or any Eftate or Intereft therein, maydevife the fame by Will in Writing, attefted by two ' or more credible WitnefTes ; but that no Payment fliall be made upon any fuch Devife, till fo much ~f r £ t0 bemad e ° f fucis of the faid Will as relates to fuch Share, Eftate or Intereft in the faid Stock of Annuities, be entered e '" the W ' ,U in the faid Office ; and that in Default of fuch Transfer or Devife, fuch Share, Eftate or Intereft in the faid Stock of Annuities fhall go to the Executors, Adminiftrators, Succeffors and A.ffigns ; and Transfer not liable t» that no Stamp Duties whatfoever fhall be charged on any of the faid Transfers ; any Law or Statute Stamp Duties. to the contrary notwithftanding. F z LXX. Proyideii