Page:Rules for penmanship.pdf/5

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m Is a full breadth, both in the firſt and ſecond part.

n Is the ſame in breadth as o.

o And i joined make a, o and l make d, o and j make g.

p Is one length above the upper line, and three below it, and is one breadth.

q Conſiſts of a narrow o, with a ſtraight full ſtroke three lengths downward from the upper line; and may be either looped at the bottom on the right hand ſide at one third of a breadth, or left off abruptly.

r The laſt part of this letter when s follows, ſhould be a breadth and a half from thickneſs to thickneſs.

ſ is the ſame above the upper line as an l , and the ſame below it as a j.

s Is a breadth, and ends with a full dot upon the hair ſtroke. (The dot is now frequently omitted.)

t Is one length above the line, on a line with the top of p, and the dots of i and j.

u Is the ſame with the two firſt downward ſtrokes of an m inverted.