Page:Rules for penmanship.pdf/7

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to be ſimilar. At the bottom, the former is turned to the right and the latter to the left hand.

The dot of s and the firſt part of x should be the ſame.

In making m, take the hair ſtrokes nearly from the bottom of the downward ones, and join all the letters that conſiſt of bottom turns exactly in the middle: and lift not the pen oftener than is abſolutely requiſite to join the letters properly.

In making on, ſome take the hair ſtroke from the middle, others from the top of o. The latter I would in general recommend.

The letters which go above the line, and cannot be looped, are d p and t.

When y ends a word as in lady, it may be turned in the ſame manner as q.

The laſt part of n is often made for the letter r, in current hand writing. This appears to be an innovation, which ought not to be frequently uſed.

The looped letters are preferred in current hand writing, as they give a ſuperior degree of neatneſs.