Page:Rural Hours.djvu/15

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The following notes contain, in a journal form, the simple record of those little events which make up the course of the seasons in rural life, and were commenced two years since, in the spring of 1848, for the writer's amusement. In wandering about the fields, during a long, unbroken residence in the country, one naturally gleans many trifling observations on rustic matters, which are afterward remembered with pleasure by the fire-side, and gladly shared, perhaps, with one's friends. The following pages, therefore, are offered to the reader more from the interest of the subject, than from any merit of their own. They make no claim whatever to scientific knowledge, but it is hoped that they will be found free from great inaccuracies; and we may add, that they were written at least in perfect good faith, all the trifling incidents alluded to having occurred as they are recorded.

Should the volume give pleasure to any who, like the
