Page:RussianFolkTales Afanasev 368pgs.djvu/170

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In a certain kingdom, in a certain State, lived a peasant who had two sons. The recruiting-sergeant came round and took the elder brother. So the elder brother served the Tsar with faith and loyalty, and was so fortunate in his service that in a few years he attained a general's rank.

Now at this same time there was a new enlistment, and the lot fell on his younger brother, and they shaved his brow. And it so happened that he was made to serve in the very same regiment in which his brother was a general. The soldier recognised the general, but it was no good, because the general would not acknowledge him at all: "I do not know you, and you must not claim acquaintance with me!"

One day the soldier was standing on sentry-go at the ammunition-wagons just outside the general's quarters, and the general was giving a great dinner, and a multitude of officers and gentlemen were going to him. The soldier saw that it was jollity within, but that he himself had nothing at all, and he began to weep bitter tears.

Then the guests began to ask him, "Tell us, soldier, why are you crying?"

"Why should I not cry? There is my own brother faring abroad and making merry, but he forgets me!"

Then the guests told the general of this; but the general was angry: "Do not believe him, he is an utter liar." So he ordered him to be taken away from