Page:RussianFolkTales Afanasev 368pgs.djvu/294

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of his father and mother to go out into the white world and to seek himself a bride. They gave him leave to go, and said, "Go, my son."

So he saddled his knightly horse and set out on his road and way. And as he journeyed on he met an old woman who said, "Hail, Russian prince, where do you wish to go?"

"I am going, bábushka[1] to seek a bride, but I do not know where I am to find her."

"Stay, I will tell you, my child. Do you go beyond the ocean into the thrice-tenth kingdom; there there is a king's daughter so fair, that, if you go through all the world, you will never find any one more beautiful."

So the good youth thanked the woman, went to the seashore, hired a boat, and sailed to the thrice-tenth land. He sailed, maybe far, maybe near, maybe long, maybe short—the tale is soon told but the deed is not soon done—and he at last arrived at that kingdom, and appeared before the king of it, and asked for his daughter's hand in marriage.

Then the King said to him, "You are not the only suitor for my daughter; there is another suitor, a mighty knight. If I refuse him he will destroy all of my kingdom."

"But, if you decline my offer, I will ravage your kingdom."

"What will you?—you had better measure your strength with him: to whichever of you conquers I will give my daughter."

"Very well; summon all the Tsars and Tsarévichi, all the Kings and Korolévichi, to see us wage an honourable holmgang to win your daughter."

So then hunters were sent out to all cities, and one year had not gone by before from all the neighbouring parts all the Tsars and Tsarévichi, all the Kings and

  1. Grandmother.