Page:RussianFolkTales Afanasev 368pgs.djvu/334

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Once upon a time there was an old man and an old woman who had three daughters. The old man went into the loft for some groats, and took them home, but there was a hole in the sack, and the groats were running and running out of the sack.

The old man went home, and the old woman asked, "Where are the groats?" But all the groats had dripped out.

So the old man went to collect them, and said, "If only the Sun would warm the grain, and the moon show its light on it, and Crow Crowson help me to get the groats, I would give my eldest daughter to the little Sun, and my middle daughter to the Moon, and my youngest to Crow Crowson." So the old man set to collecting the grain, and the Sun warmed it, and the Moon shone on it, and Vóron Vóronovich helped to collect the grain.

The old man came back home and said to the eldest daughter: "You must dress nicely and go out on the steps." So she dressed and went out on the steps. And the Sun laid hold of her. And he commanded the next daughter in the same way to dress herself finely and to stand on the steps. So she dressed herself up and went out, and the Moon seized and took away the second daughter. And he said to the third daughter, "Dress yourself prettily and stand on the steps." So she dressed herself prettily and stood on the steps, and Crow Crowson seized her and carried her away.

Then the old man said, "I think I might go and visit