Page:Russian Literature - A Study Outline.djvu/40

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36 STUDY OUTLINE ON Dupuy. Great masters of Russian literature, p. 423-40. Hapgood. Survey of Russian literature, p. 212-28. Kropotkin. Russian literature, p. 163-70; Same. Kropotkin. Ideals and realities in Russian literature, p. 163-70. Pardo-Bazan. Russia: its people and its literature, p. 255-74. Phelps. Essays on Russian novelists, p. 130-69. Vogue. The Russian novel, p. 204-70; Same. Vogue. Russian novelists, p. 140-208. Waliszewski. History of Russian literature, p. 330-60. Warner. Library of the world's best literature, v. 8 or 12, p. 4779-86. Wolkonsky. Pictures of Russian history and Russian literature, p. 247-8, 256-62. Atlantic. 60:209-11. Aug. '87. Spell of the Russian writers. Harriet Waters Preston. Bookman. 35 : 599-603. Aug. '12. The grand inquisitor of the Russian soul. Cleveland Palmer. Catholic World. 104 : 820-5. March '17. Defining Dostoevsky. Richardson Wright. Contemporary Review. 108 : 220-8. Aug. '15 ; Same. Living Age. 286:665-72. Sept. n, '15. Dostoevsky as a religious teacher. George W. Thorn. Current Literature. 49 : 92-6. July '10. Dostoievsky the great psycho-pathologist of Russian fiction. Current Literature. 52 : 708-10. June '12. The superman of Dostoievsky. Current Opinion. 55 : 433. Dec. '13. Dostoyef sky's ideal Russian. Dial. 58:5-7. Jan. I, '15. Dostoieffsky. George Bernard Donlin. Fortnightly Review. 101 : 315-24. Feb. 14; Same. Living Age. 281 : 269-76. May 2, '14. Feodor Dostoieffsky. J. A. T. Lloyd. Forum. 54:201-7. Aug. '15. Dostoievsky and Tolstoy. James Huneker. Hibbert Journal. 9 : 823-37. July '11. Dostoyeffsky and Nietzsche. Otto Julius Bierbaum. Independent. 73:560-1. Sept. 5, '12. Dostoevsky's last work. Lippincott's Magazine. 92: 126-31. July '13. Dostoyevsky, apostle to the lowly. Living Age. 274:550-5. Aug. 31, '12. Dostoevsky. Living Age. 278:797-801. Sept. 27, '13. Faith of Dostoevsky. Living Age. 284:632-4. March 6, '15. Russian novelists. Living Age. 289:436-8. May 13, '16. Dostoievski. Thomas Seccombe. Living Age. 289:613-19. June 3, '16. Dostoevsky as a psycholo- gist. George W. Thorn.