Page:Russian Literature - A Study Outline.djvu/46

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42 STUDY OUTLINE ON The signal. V. M. Garscin. In Current Literature. 52:116-18. Jan. '12. This story might have been written by Tolstoy, so simple and direct is its style, so vivid and with detail are the scenes pictured. Current Literature. White nights. Alexander Kuprin. In Bookman. 45:13-14. March '17- References Bruckner. Literary history of Russia, p. 525-45. Hapgood. Survey of Russian literature, p. 264-6. Persky. Contemporary Russian novelists, p. 274-313. Phelps. Essays on Russian novelists, p. 278-84. Waliszewski. History of Russian literature, p. 419-22. Current Opinion. 59:190. Sept. '15. Feodor Sologub's short stories. Fortnightly Review. 104:480-90. Sept. '15. Feodor Sologub. John Cournos. Forum. 28 : 120-8, Sept. '99. Younger Russian writers. A. Cahan. Lippincott's Magazine. 91 : 492-8. April '13. Garshin the melan- choliac. Living Age. 281 : 749-53. June 20, '14. Modern Russian fiction. Nation. 98: 749-50. June 25, '14. Russian fiction: recent tenden- cies of the younger writers. David A. Modell. New Republic. 7: 126-7. June 3, '16. The signal, and other stor- ies, by V. M. Garshin. Review. Quarterly Review. 217:33-6. July '12. The Russian stage (Solo- goub). George Calderon. 2. Korolenko and Andreev. a Vladimir Korolenko, 1808-1842. Korolenko never repeats. Not even a detail occurs more than once. . . . Each character is shown in full relief, each picture is absolutely fin- ished. This wholeness, this finish, is a precious quality, very rare in our time. ... It is through psychology that Korolenko depicts men and their mentalities. Serge Persky. (1) His life. (2) Nature in his writings. (3) His psychology. (4) His work. (5) Reading: "The old bell-ringer."