Page:Russian Wonder Tales.djvu/160

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from the Palace and met her brother joyfully, embracing him with many questions.

With them also the Tzarevich abode three little days, when he bade them farewell to continue his search for his wife.

"Thy search may be in vain," said the Crow, "for the Wizard Kastchey is very powerful and cunning. We would have something to recall thee to us. Leave with us thy silver snuff-box that we may look on it often and know of thy welfare."

So Tzarevich Alexis left behind the silver snuff-box and again set out. Whether he rode a long way or a short way, by wet roads or dry, he came at last to the Castle of Kastchey, where, walking in the garden, he found his dear one, Maria Morevna. When she saw him the beautiful Tzar's daughter threw herself on his breast, weeping a flood of tears. "O Tzarevich Alexis!" she cried, "why didst thou disobey my command? Why didst thou open the closet and loose the Wizard to our hurt?"

"I am guilty before thee," answered the Tzarevich sadly. "But remember not the old things which are past. Come with me and let us fly, while Kastchey is not to be seen. Perchance he will not be able to overtake us." So without more ado he