Page:Ruth Fielding at Silver Ranch.djvu/25

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Cameron. "I can't please you all, that's sure."

"Oh, see that beast!" shrieked The Fox, who was likewise on the back seat. "I want to get out!"

"Then the brute will catch you, sure," said Bob Steele.

"Sit still!" commanded Mr. Hicks. "And stop the car, Miss! Better to be bunted by Old Trouble-Maker than set that whole bunch off on a stampede."

"Mercy me!" cried Mary Cox. "I should think it would be better to frighten those cows in front than to be horned to death by this big beast from the rear."

"Sit still," said Jane Ann, grimly. "We won't likely be hurt by either."

Old Trouble-Maker did look awfully savage. Bellowing with rage, he thundered along after the car. Helen had again brought the automobile to a stop, this time at Bill Hicks' command. The next moment the girls screamed in chorus, for the car jarred all over.

Crash went a rear lamp. About half a yard of paint and varnish was scraped off, and the car itself was actually driven forward, despite the brake being set, by the sheer weight of the steer.

"If we could git the old cart turned around and headed the other way!" groaned the ranchman.