Page:Ruth Fielding at Silver Ranch.djvu/76

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"Now, what can you do with a feller like that?" demanded Mr. Hicks, in disgust. "Poor old Ike has been shinning around Sally Dickson ever since Lem brought her home from school—from Denver. And she's a nice little gal enough, at that; but she ain't got no use for Ike and he ought to see it. Gals out here don't like fellers that ain't got sperit enough to say their soul's their own. And Ike's so bashful he fair hates hisself! You've noticed that."

"But he's just as kind and good-natured as he can be," declared Ruth, her pony cantering on beside the ranchman's bigger mount.

"That don't help a feller none with a gal like Sally," grunted Mr. Hicks. "She don't want a reg'lar gump hanging around her. Makes her the laffin' stock of the hull range—don't you see? Ike better git a move on, if he wants her. 'Tain't goin' to be no bashful 'ombre that gets Sally Dickson, let me tell ye! Sendin' her lollipops by messenger—bah! He wants ter ride up and hand that gal a ring—and a good one—if he expects to