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and analysis proving this fact. Various schemes and programmes including those for education by welfare state are never seen as means to achieve certain goals. These are treated as end in themselves. The schemes and programmes are actually perceived as big bread and everybody including the power elites in village community want to have a larger bite of it. A strange kind of dependency on the state for almost everything in public sphere is developed in people over the period. The local initiative has almost come to an end in post independence period. In spite of such a depressing scenario, fact remains that the vast population in rural areas has no other option than the state run schools. Dr. Kalbag wanted to implement his education system through state run schools because of this reality. He designed his courses keeping in mind the constraints of funds and collective initiative. He employed the discipline and methodology of a scientist while designing the educational course. He collected feedbacks on the performance of the courses developed by him such as “Introduction to Basic Technology" (IBT) and “Diploma in Basic Rural Technology" (DBRT) regularly. Feedbacks were in the form of hard data as well as critical analysis. The comparative data in respect of few schools about marks scored by the students opting for IBT and other students was gathered for a long period. The data proved that the overall performance of the students opting for IBT course was better than those students who have not opted for IBT. While analysing the performance of instructors he says, "One of the major problems was that the instructors, who were a product of the educational system we want to drastically change, could not be changed through just a one-year practical course. It is much easier to impart the technical training than to give a new outlook. What is hoped, and it is only a hope (there has been no study to check it), that the practical, real life work will bring them to use their natural logical method of thinking Rural Development Through Education System 17