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PERSPECTIVE PLAN FOR VIGYAN ASHRAM My Vision I would like to see India prosper and be a pathfinder to the rest of the world. This will happen only when everyone can reach his or her own full potential. Hence, raise the lowest. My stress is therefore on the education of the rural people. I believe intelligence is developed and not inherited. Activity based thinking is the source of intelligence. Good education has to be based on diverse experiences and for this, real life is the best educator. In our society, we need to develop courage to act on our convictions and be willing to pay the price. Many of us do not act on our own beliefs and we seem to be "stage acting" for all the time. We believe only in symbolic acts not acts for results. I feel like an inventor. My invention is the educational system that integrates education and development, one that is close to the real everyday life and which costs so little to implement. Rural Development Through Education System 28