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actual development of exercises was similarly dictated by the local needs, as also what was possible. Most of the exercises were therefore simple. What the students could do easily and was also needed by the community, stayed, while what was difficult and/or was not useful as service to the community, was dropped. Perhaps, there are still a few which do not fit in the above description. But this seems a good guideline for drafting the syllabus. THE COURSE The following is a description of the practical work done by the students Engineering Measurement of Length, weight, force, pressure, rain; use of vernier scales. • Making one of the following articles of Ferro cement construction: sheet, water tank or wash basin Making 3m RCC columns Welding, soldering practice; making articles like chains, hitch hooks, stools, chairs, chappal stand etc. fixing hangers; adhesive and veneer bonds. Agriculture Growing one crop-tilling, sowing, irrigation, pest management, harvest, and sale • This includes study of pest control equipment Growing one batch of poultry broilers • Dairy and Al centre visit Rural Development Through Education System 44