Page:Sacha Chua - Emacs Chat with Carsten Dominik.djvu/5

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really awesome to have all of that come from Org.

Carsten: For myself, Org Mode, I do use it for project planning and for brainstorming. All my writing, I do in it. That's also one of the reasons why there's just a number of little convenient editing functionalities. In a way, I basically use it as my fundamental mode, so I don't have files in text-mode anymore. This is basically the basic mode I go to when I want to just throw out some thoughts and restructure them.

That was really at the beginning. So when we started, when I started doing it, it was about making an outline and being able to restructure this and throw things around. The planning came actually a little bit later.

It's actually quite funny because at the time, I kind of had a bad conscience towards you and John. I was rolling into this area where people had done such amazing work putting together Planner. Originally I never had the intention to sort of write [inaudible].

Sacha: No. It worked out perfectly. I remember because I was struggling with Planner mode's approach of having everything in multiple files. Then having Org with a single file, and a good agenda mode, and all of that stuff made a lot of things so much easier.

Carsten: Yes. It's just a completely different approach, basically, towards the same project, towards the same problem.

Sacha: Yes. We totally jumped ship with everyone else. We're like, “Okay! This is good.”

Carsten: That was amazing. When I heard that both John and you had stepped over, that was amazing.

Sacha: That's one of the interesting things about the Emacs community, right? There's just so much going on, and so many good ideas coming out at all the time. Clearly, Org was one of the nice, amazing contributions.

But how about when you're using Emacs, what are some of the other things that you use Emacs with?

Carsten: The point when I really found out how amazing Emacs is, was when I discovered the calculator.