Page:Sacred Books of the Buddhists Vol 1.djvu/121

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tiful charmers[1]," thou knowest. She might prove a hindrance to the fulfilment of thy promise. Therefore I do not like staying here.'

The Bodhisattva said: 'Do not think of that. My wife will not obstruct the fulfilment of my promise. She is in fact the companion of my pious practice[2]. But do as pleases Thy Reverence. Yet, great Brâhman, thou shouldst consider this:

59-61. 'How should these children satisfy thy wants by slavework? They are very young and weak and have never been accustomed to such kind of occupation. But the king of Sibi, their grandfather, seeing them fallen into this state of bondage, will doubtlessly give thee as much money as thou desirest to redeem them. Well, for this reason I pray thee, take them to his realm. When acting thus, thou wilt get the possession of great wealth and at the same time of righteousness.'

'No' (said the Brâhman), 'I do not venture to come to this king with an offer which would excite his anger; he would be unapproachable like a snake.

62. 'He would have the children torn from me by force, perhaps he would also inflict punishment on me. I shall bring them rather to my Brâhmanî that they may attend on her.'

Upon this the Bodhisattva said nothing but: 'Then as thou likest,' without finishing the sentence. He instructed the little ones with persuasive words how they had to act in accordance with their new condition of servants; after which he took the waterpot, bending

  1. I have tried to render approximately the ambiguousness of the original. Women are designated, says the Brâhman, by the appellation of vâmâh. Now vâmâ means 'beautiful,' but pronounced with a different accent vãma, it is a word signifying 'left, contrary, opposite.'
  2. Visvantara uses here the solemn appellation of sahadharmakârinî (='housewife') with its full meaning. The formula sahobhau karatam dharmam is uttered in the fourth or Prâgâpatya form of marriage. Manu III, 30.