Page:Sacred Books of the Buddhists Vol 1.djvu/314

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not its effect upon the king. Hearing it, he became alarmed and left his attachment to the false lore. And having obtained faith in the world hereafter, he bowed to that illustrious Rishi and spoke:

46. ‘After being apprised of the tortures in the different hells, my mind almost dissolves from fear, on the other hand I feel a burning sense of anxiety, considering how I may take shelter from that terrible pain.

47. 'For, short-sighted as I was, I walked on the wrong road, my mind being perverted by a wicked doctrine. Now then, let Thy Reverence be my guide here. Thou knowest the right way. Thou art my authority and my refuge, O Muni.

48. 'As the rising sun dispels darkness, so thou hast dispelled the darkness of my false opinions. In the very same manner, O Rishi, thou must teach me the road, going on which I may not attain misery after death.'

Then the Bodhisattva, perceiving his emotion and understanding that he had changed his opinion for the better and had now become a vessel fit for accepting the Law, instructed him—for he pitied him, like a father his son or a teacher his pupil—in this way.

49. 'The glorious way leading to Heaven, is that by which the old kings went, who displayed their love of virtues, behaving like good pupils towards Sramanas and Brâhmans, and manifested their compassion for their subjects by their own behaviour[1].

50. 'Therefore, subdue injustice which is very difficult to subdue, and overcome vile covetousness which is very difficult to overcome! So thou mayst mount a luminous being to the city of the Lord of Heaven, that city with golden gates resplendent with the most excellent jewels.

51. 'May thy approval of the lore cherished by the

  1. The following stanzas are of a very ingenious composition. In stanzas 50-54 each pâda ends in two homonymous syllables put twice in different functions, and from 55 the simile of the chariot is elaborated with great skill.