Page:Sacred Books of the Buddhists Vol 1.djvu/316

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preserve thy chariot from looseness of its constituent parts. Thou wilt keep the right direction, if thou avoidest going astray on the winding paths of wicked actions.

58. Using this vehicle (yâna), brilliant with the lustre of wisdom, adorned by the flag of good renown and the high-floating banner of tranquillity, and followed by mercy as its attendance, thou wilt move in the direction of the Highest Atman (paramâtmâ) and never shalt thou descend to the infernal regions, O king.'

Having thus dispelled by the brilliant beams of his words that darkness of false lore that lay upon the mind of the king, and shown him clearly the road to happiness, the High-minded One disappeared on the spot. But the king, having got a thorough knowledge concerning the matters of the next world, embraced the True Lore with his whole heart, and himself as well as his officials, his townsmen, and landsmen became intent on exercising charity, selfcommand, and self-restraint.

In this manner, then, those who are possessed by the vice of clinging to a false belief are especially worth commiserating by the virtuous; for the tenets of unbelief are blameable. [This story may also be adduced with this conclusion: In this manner listening to the preaching of the Excellent Law (saddharma), fills up with overflowing faith.' Or with this: 'In this manner hearing the Law preached by another, rouses faith productive of right belief.' And when adducing it in a discourse on praise of the virtuous, likewise on the subject of forbearance, this is to be said: 'In this manner the virtuous will parry even a hostile attack by counselling their enemy for his good, and they will do so without harshness in consequence of their being accustomed to forbearance.' Also when treating of samvega[1], it is to be said: 'In

  1. Samvega is the emotional state which prepares the mind to accept spiritual instruction or to take the vow of a religious life.