Page:Sacred Books of the Buddhists Vol 1.djvu/340

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As soon as the son of Sudâsa saw the Great Being approaching from afar, he became exceedingly astonished, and his esteem and liking for him increased. Not even his cruelty, however long practised and deeprooted in his defiled mind, could prevent him from entering, indeed, upon a thought like this: 'Ah! Ah!!!

43. 'This is the wonder of wonders, to be sure, the marvel of marvels! That prince's lofty veracity exceeds all that may be expected of men and deities!

44. ‘To me, a person as cruel-natured as Death, he comes back of himself, subduing fear and anxiety ! Ah! What a constancy! Bravo for his veracity!

45. 'Justly, indeed, the renown of his truth-speaking is wide-spread, as he now gave up his life and royal state to keep his faith!'

While he was thus affected with amazement and admiration, the Bodhisattva drew near, saying:

46. 'I have obtained that treasure of well-said sentences, I have rewarded the indigent man who presented me with it, and gladness has been procured to my mind, thanks to you. Now I am back here. Eat me, if such is your desire, or use me as a victim at your sacrifice.

The son of Sudâsa spoke:

47. 'I am not in a hurry to eat you; moreover, this funeral pile is still smoky, and flesh gets its proper relish only when roasted on a smokeless fire. Let us hear meanwhile these well-said sentences.'

The Bodhisattva replied: 'Of what use is it to you, in such a state, to listen to holy sentences ?

48. 'You adopted this mode of living merciless to your subjects for the sake of your belly. Now these stanzas praise righteousness. Righteousness does not go together with injustice.

49. Following the wicked manner of life of Râkshasas and having left the way of the pious[1], you do

  1. In other words, 'having transgressed the precepts of morality.' Instead of samtyaktârthapathasya, I read samtyaktâryapathasya.