Page:Sacred Books of the Buddhists Vol 1.djvu/89

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24, 25. 'He follows the wrong course of conduct, as if it were the right one, and desires to put also his neighbour in that way, and not having been accustomed to a decent and upright behaviour, becomes even angry when admonished for his good. Now, then, to such a person, who burns with the infatuation of self-conceit, thinking himself wise, whose harsh anger is provoked by those who speak for his good, and whose impetuousness has not been softened because of the deficiency of his moral education—say, what means does there exist to bring profit to him?

26. 'For this reason, then, O most excellent of the Devas, because there is no help for him, not even in the power of the compassionate, I do not want to see a fool, since he is the most unfit object.'

On hearing this, Sakra praised him, exclaiming 'Very well! very well!' and charmed by his right sayings, spoke again:

27. 'The invaluable jewels of well-said sentences cannot be rewarded by any equivalent. But as a handful of flowers to worship thee, I gladly offer thee some boon for these too.'

Then the Bodhisattva, in order to show that the virtuous are welcome in every circumstance, spoke:

28. 'May I see a wise man, and hear a wise man, dwell with such a one, Sakra, and converse with such a one! This boon, best of the Devas, do grant me.'

Sakra said: 'Thou seemest, indeed, to be a warm partisan of the wise. Why, tell me then,

29. 'What have the wise done for thee? Say, Kâsyapa, what is the reason that thou showest this rather foolish greediness for the sight of a wise man?'

Then the Bodhisattva, in order to show him the magnanimity of the virtuous, spoke: 'Hearken, sir, for what reason my mind longs for the sight of a wise man.

30, 31. 'He walks in the path of virtue himself, and brings also others into that way, and words said for his good, even if they be harsh, do not rouse his impatience. Being adorned by uprightness and decency,