Page:Sacred Books of the East - Volume 17.djvu/109

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pots and jars, and filled their baskets and the folds of their dress with it.

6. And Bela//fet Ka^y^na, having let the people who ate the remains of (the Bhikkhus') food, eat their fill with sugar, said to the Blessed One : * The people. Lord, who eat the remains of (the Bhik- khus') food, have eaten their fill with sugar, but there is much sugar left over ; what shall I do with it. Lord?'

' I see no one, Ka>&>^na, in the world of men and gods, in Mdra's and Brahma's world, among all beings. Samaras and Br&hmawas, gods and men, by whom that sugar, when he has eaten it, can be fully assimilated, save ^y the Tathigata or by a disciple of the Tath&gata. Therefore, Kai^dna, throw that sugar away at a place free from grass, or sink it into water in which there are no living things.'

Bela//^a KaiJ>§ina accepted this order of the Blessed One (by saying), * Yes, Lord,^ and sunk that sugar into water in which there were no living things.

7. And that sugar, when thrown into the water, hissed and bubbled, and steamed, and sent forth smoke. As a ploughshare, which has been heated through the whole day and is thrown into water, hisses and bubbles, and steams, and sends forth smoke, so that sugar, when thrown into the water, hissed and bubbled, steamed, and sent forth smoke. And Bela//^a Kaiidna, terrified and having his hair erect with fear, went to the place where the Blessed One was ; having approached him and respectfully saluted the Blessed One, he sat down near him.

8. When Bela/Ma Ka^/^na was sitting near him,

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