Page:Sacred Books of the East - Volume 17.djvu/25

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V, I, 25.

unto renunciation." But not thus, Lord, should this matter be regarded. For the Bhikkhu in whom the Asavas are rooted out, who has lived the life, who has accomplished the task, he looks not upon himself as one who has anything yet to do, or to gather up, of (the fruit of his past) labour; but he attaineth to renunciation by the destruction of lust, by the very condition of the absence of lust; he attaineth to renunciation by the destruction of ill- will, by the very condition of the absence of ill-will; he attaineth to renunciation by the destruction of delusions, by the very condition of the absence of delusions.

22. ' Now it may be. Lord, that it might occur, regarding this matter, to some brother, thus: "Seeking after gain, hospitality, and fame hath this brother attained to the love of solitude." But not thus (&c., as in § 21, down to the end, substituting "love of solitude" for "renunciation").

23. 'Now it may be. Lord, that it might occur, regarding this matter, to some brother, thus: "Returning, verily, to the dependence upon works, as if that were the true essence (of spiritual welfare), hath this brother attained to kindness of heart." But not thus (&c., as in J 21, down to the end, substituting "kindness of heart" for "renunciation").

24. 'He attaineth to the destruction of craving by the destruction of lust (&c., as in J 21, down to the end, substituting ** absence of craving " for ** renunciation "). He attaineth to the absence of thirst (&a, as in $ 21). He attaineth to the absence of delusions (&c., as in f 21, down to the end).

25. 'When a Bhikkhu, Lord, has thus become fully

emancipated in heart, even though many objects