Page:Sacred Books of the East - Volume 2.djvu/36

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part of India to which it belongs, and these, as it happens, are of great importance for fixing approximately the period in which the school arose. According to the Brahmanical tradition, which is supported by a hint contained in the Dharma-sûtra and by information derivable from inscriptions and the actual state of things in modern India, the Âpastambiyas belong to Southern India, and their founder probably was a native of or resided in the Ândhra country. The existence of this tradition, which to the present day prevails among the learned Brahmans of Western India and Benares, may be substantiated by a passage from the above-mentioned commentary of the Karanavyûha[1], which,

  1. Karanavyûhabhâshya, fol. 15', l. 4 seqq.:—