Page:Sacred Books of the East - Volume 27.djvu/171

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confusion[1], and therefore the hall is curtained off. After the slighter dressing, the curtain is removed."

12. With regard to the offerings to the dead at the time of the slighter dressing, Зze-yû said that they should be placed on the east (of the corpse). Зǎng-jze said, "They should be placed on the west, on the mat there at the time of the dressing." The placing the offerings on the west at the time of the slighter dressing was an error of the later times of Lû.

13. Hsien-jze said, "To have the mourning robe of coarse dolichos cloth, and the lower garment of fine linen with a wide texture, was not (the way of) antiquity."

14. When Зze-phû died, the wailers called out his name Mieh[2]. Зze-kâo said, "So rude and uncultivated are they!" On this they changed their style.

15. At the mourning rites for the mother of Tû Khiâo no one was employed in the house to assist (the son in the ceremonies), which was accounted a careless omission.

16. The Master said, "As soon as a death occurs, (the members of the family) should change their lambskin furs and dark-coloured caps, though they may do nothing more." The Master did not pay a visit of condolence in these articles of dress.

17. Зze-yû asked about the articles to be provided for the mourning rites, and the Master said," "They

should be according to the means of the family."

  1. Settling places for the wailers, &c. But this explanation id deemed unsatisfactory.
  2. The name was used only in calling the spirit back immediately after death; the wailing was a subsequent thing.