Page:Sacred Books of the East - Volume 6.djvu/368

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242 THE QURAN. XIV, 32-39.

God leads the wrong-doers astray; for God does what He will.

Dost not thou see those who have changed God's favours for misbelief, and have made their people to alight at the abode of perdition ? — in hell they shall broil, and an ill resting-place shall it be !

[35] And they made peers for God, to lead men astray from His path. Say, ' Enjoy yourselves, for, verily, your journey is to the Fire/

Say to my servants who believe, that they be steadfast in prayer and expend in alms of what we have bestowed upon them in secret and in public, before there comes the day when there shall be no buying and no friendship.

God it is who created the heavens and the earth ; and sent down from the sky water, and brought forth therewith fruits as a provision for you ; and subjected to you the ships, to float therein upon the sea at His bidding; and subjected for you the rivers; and subjected for yoirthe sun and the moon, constant both ; and subjected for you the night and the day; and brought you of everything ye asked Him : but if ye try to number God's favours, ye cannot count them ; — verily, man is very unjust and ungrateful.

And when Abraham said, * My Lord, make this land 1 safe, and turn me and my sons away from serving idols!

' My Lord, verily, they have led many men astray ; but he who follows me, verily, he is of me ; but he who rebels against me, — verily, thou art pardoning, merciful !

1 Mecca and its neighbourhood.

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