Page:Saducismus Triumphatus.djvu/12

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To the Reader

Advertisement; but to compensate this loss, the said Peruser, a Friend as well to his Design as to his Person, has digested those Materials he left into that order and distintness, and has so tied things together, and supplied them in his Advertisements, that to the judicious Reader nothing can seem wanting that may serve the ends of his intended Treatise; not to intimate what considerable things are added more than it is likely had been if he had finished it himself, for besides the Advertisements of the careful Peruser of his Papers, and that notable late Story of the Swedish Witches, Translated out of the German into the English Tongue, there is also added a short Treatise of the true and genuine notion of a Spirit, taken out of Dr. More's Enchiridion Metaphysicum, to entertain those that are more curious Searchers into the nature of these things; the number also of the Stories are much encreased above what was design'd by Mr. Glanvil, tho' none admitted but such as seemed very well attested and highly credible, to his abovesaid Friend, and such as rightly understood, contain nothing but what is consonant to right Reason and sound Philosophy, as I have heard him earnestly avouch, tho' it had been too tedious to have explained all; and it may be more grateful to the Reader to be left to exercise his own Wit and Ingeny upon the rest. These are the advantages this Edition of Mr. Glanvil's Demon of Tedworth, and his Considerations about Witchcraft have above any Edition before, tho' the last of them was so bought up that there was not a Copy of them to be had in all London and Cambridge, but the Peruser of his Papers was fain to break his own to serve the Press with. If these Intimations may move thyAppetite