Page:Saint's duty in evil times (5).pdf/11

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In Evil Times.

We have no skill of people's closing with Christ, who will not close with these. But Oh, What say ye unto us? What is your reply? Is it not this, 'That neither death nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord' Is this your saying, then come away, take him, take on his yoke, 'For his yoke is easy, and his burden light.'

Follows the Afternoon


Isa. xxvi. 20. Come my people, &c.

THIS is the way that folk undo themselves, and forsake their own mercies; that which ought to chase them to God, chases them out from him. All hypocritical convictions only put them the further away from the physician; so it is with judgement, which should put folk to their duties, they are thereby put from it. When the Lord furbishes his glittering sword of justice, then it is to drive his own children unto his own hand, 'Come my people,' &c. Ye know the last occasion how we divided these words; ye know also, know that before we left the first head, we said, it would be requisite to show unto you, who it is that comes to Christ, and who it is that comes not: But we told you, that it would come more fitly in the second head;