Page:Salt-water poems and ballads by Masefield, John, 1878-1967 Published 1916.djvu/13

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LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS IN BLACK AND WHITE PAGE Then a fierce squall struck the ' Loch Achray ' . facing 8 'Well, I clambers acrost o' the keel 'n' I gets me secured . ii ' We rigged up a tackle, a purchase, a sort of a shift ' facitig 12 He tottered out of the alleyway with cheeks the colour of paste 18 They towed her in to Liverpool, we made the hooker idiSi facing 24 ' Goneys an' gullies an' all o' the birds o' the sea ' . . -27 I shall hear the blocks a-grunting in the bumpkins overside . 31 The watch was up on the topsail-yard a-making fast the sail . 34 A Valediction (Liverpool Docks) .... facing 36 Oh yesterday, I t'ink it was, while cruisin' down the ^irttX. facing 40 On the passage home one morning . . . facing 44 Jake was a dirty Dago lad, an' he gave the skipper chm facing 48 The bow-wash is eddying, spreading from the bows . . 50 She'll log a giddy seventeen and rattle out the reel ... 52 I must down to the seas again, for the call of the running tide ........ f<^ci7ig 62 And first I'll hear the sea-wind, the mewing of the gA% facing 66 He struck a ringbolt in his haste and fell — . . facing 98 Lashing the sea, and gasps came, and hearts sickened . • 117 And probing at the well, the captain found . . facing 1 52 And instantly a panic took the crew , . . facing 158