Page:Salt-water poems and ballads by Masefield, John, 1878-1967 Published 1916.djvu/247

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BY THE SAME AUTHOR Good Friday and Other Poems By JOHN MASEFIELD Author of " The Everlasting Mercy " and " The Widow in the Bye Street," etc. C/ot/i, $i.2j. Leather ^ $i.6o The title piece in this volume is a dramatic poem of sixty pages the action of which takes place in the time of Christ. The charac- ters introduced include Pontius Pilate, Joseph of Ramah and Herod. The play, for it is really such, is written in rhyme and is one of Mr. Masefield's most interesting and important contributions to litera- ture. In addition to this there are in the book many sonnets and short poems. " Reveals an interesting development in poetic thought and ex- pression ... a new Masefield . . . who has never written with more dignity, nor with more artistry. Those who go in quest of Beauty will find her here. . . . Here is beauty of impression, beauty of expression, beauty of thought, and beauty of phrase." — The New York Times. The Tragedy of Nan By JOHN MASEFIELD New edition. Cloth, $1-2^. Leather, $i.6o " One of the most distinctive tragedies written by a dramatist of the modern school." — N. V. Evening Post. THE MACMILLAN COMPANY Publishers 64-66 Fifth Avenue New York