Page:Samuel Gompers - Out of Their Own Mouths (1921).djvu/113

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As far as is possible under that ruthless tyranny the organized labor of Russia is everywhere in a state of full revolt. The organized workers are doing what they can to reach the hearts and minds of laboring humanity in all countries, but they are working against overwhelming obstacles—the refusal of the bread card, which means immediate starvation for their families, the firing squad, death by torture in prisons. It is difficult for them even to speak, and a decree especially forbidding speeches at labor union meetings has been issued. Martoff, the world-renowned leader of the Social-Democratic Party, has described a special decree prohibiting under threat of the revolutionary tribunal speeches at workmen's meetings without special permission from the Moscow authorities. Martoff says that since the decree was issued not a single social-democrat has obtained this permission. Another decree calls for the compulsory attendance of workmen at meetings at which the benefits of Soviet rule are expounded, time being paid for attendance!