Page:Samuel Gompers - Out of Their Own Mouths (1921).djvu/165

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The Bolshevists have repeatedly stated that the people must be made literate if they are to become useful subjects for Communist rule; this was also the Prussian idea of education. But the Communists, not to mention their personal incapacity, have a system that produces neither the personnel nor the material for educational institutions of any kind. Far from any sacrifice being made for the children, education, literature, science, or art, all these are deliberately, daily and unremittingly sacrificed in order to maintain and, if possible, to increase the power of the Communist Party.

Education is, first of all, the pre-requisite for propaganda. Second, after the individual has learned to read and write, education becomes propaganda—as we may see from Lenin's speech already quoted:

The most important point at present for the comrades in the work of culture and education is that of the relation between education and our political aim. In bourgeois society it has always been, and still is maintained, that the spirit of knowledge is apolitical, or unpolitical. This is a piece of hypocrisy on the part of the bourgeoisie, nothing more nor less than a refined method of deceiving the masses, 99 per cent of whom are oppressed by the domination of the church, of private property, etc.

One of our chief tasks is that of opposing to bourgeois deception and hypocrisy our truth, and of obliging the bourgeoisie to recognize our truth.

In regard to family life there is the most rapid and demoralizing retrogression. Homes are being broken up and children, as far as practicable, separated from parental influence and placed in a sort of orphan asylum