Page:Samuel Gompers - Out of Their Own Mouths (1921).djvu/186

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including that of expelling from the International a whole party for violation of discipline.

Another resolution passed unanimously by the Congress indicated that the control of the Russian Communist Party over this world revolutionary movement is absolute. This resolution declared:

The need of a strong world unity of the proletariat is too evident to allow discussion of any kind of autonomy.

Although there are "only" five Russians on the International Executive Committee, as a matter of fact, all the other ten members were practically appointed by the Russian Bolshevists and their names indicate absolute subserviency, since with one or two exceptions they have little or no representative capacity. For example, the late John Reed was selected to represent America! With the sole exception of Italy, only the most extreme of extremists were chosen. Moreover the permanent bureau or directing body of the Executive Committee consists of three Russians out of five members: Zinoviev, Bukharin and Radek.

This body now claims to have the sole right to represent the proletariat of the world and in their name proposes to overthrow all governments! Revolutionists who do not obey orders, such as d'Arragona, head of the Confederation of Labor of Italy, are immediately branded as traitors to the working-class.

The application of this principle of the divine right of the Russian Bolshevists to control "the world revolution" was amusingly represented at the Congress in the