Page:Samuel Gompers - Out of Their Own Mouths (1921).djvu/213

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Parties of the whole world. They belong to the old world of Tsardom, not to the new world of Socialism.

They have insulted twenty-seven millions of organized trade union workers by calling them "scabs" and have declared their intention to disrupt the trade unions. …

They may have ended wage-slavery; they have established State-slavery and misery. They have robbed the workers of freedom of movement and of combination and are preventing the creation of economic democracy.

This resolution undoubtedly indicates the real state of mind of the trades unions of Europe towards the Russian Soviets. However, neither of these resolutions has led to any effective action of any kind against either the international machinations or the subsidized propaganda of Bolshevism. [For a later declaration of the Amsterdam Federation see the following chapter.]