Page:Samuel Gompers - Out of Their Own Mouths (1921).djvu/45

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while the resolution carried by the convention in September, 1920, and later by referendum reads in part 1as follows:

Socialism is in complete control of the great country of Russia. … It should be the task of the Socialist Internationale to aid our comrades in Russia to maintain and fortify their political control.

So also the pro-Bolshevist "liberals" in America, as well as their counterparts in Europe, and all the Socialist parties belonging to the Second Internationale, including the British Labor Party, have done everything in their power to aid the Soviet Government and recognize the Bolshevists either as "comrades" or—in the case of the so-called liberals—as democrats deserving support.

The American Socialist Party refuses to accept the principle of "the dictatorship of the Proletariat in the form of Soviets." It also refuses to conduct a revolution through orders issued from Moscow, but it has done and pledged itself to do everything in its power to aid that régime in Russia—and in so doing, it also aids the Soviet Government and the Third Internationale in their agitation in all countries—except the United States. So also the European Socialists in many countries of Europe are aiding the Soviet agitation in all countries except their own. Not only this but these same organizations, while refusing to accept Moscow rule, are supporting the Soviet agitation in their own countries in many points.