Page:Samuel Gompers - Out of Their Own Mouths (1921).djvu/49

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as a progressive civilized country because its savings (colonial thefts, called savings), made it possible for her to lend billions to other countries, and particularly to Russia.

No more false, boastful, or deluded utterance was ever recorded from the lips of Kaiser or Czar than the following from Lenin's much advertised but little read "moderate" speech at the Congress of the Russian Communist Party in March, 1921; nor could any citation better illustrate the great hallucination upon which all present Bolshevist calculations are built:

Certainly the Communist International which at the time of last year's Congress existed only in the form of proclamations has now begun to act as an independent body in every country, and as more than merely a vanguard party. Communism has become the central question of the whole labor movement. In Germany, France, and Italy, the Communist International has become the center not only of the labor movement, but of the whole political life of the country. It was impossible to pick up a German or a French newspaper last autumn without seeing discussions on Moscow and the Bolsheviks, and how the twenty-one conditions of entry into the Third International had become the central question of the political life of those countries. This is our gain of which no one can deprive us. (Russian Press Review, March 15th, 1921.)

The complete falsity of the entire Bolshevist propaganda may be best understood by Americans from a few quotations suggesting the picture that is presented to the Russian people of America and of the rest of the world. As the Bolshevists have a monopoly of the press and even of the paper of the country, thus